
Development of small towns' management models


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There are presently 2 agencies in Lao PDR principally responsible for WSS service provision. In urban centres, the Urban Water Supply State Enterprises (known as Nam Papa) are responsible for operating and maintaining constructed utilities on behalf of each province. Overseeing the planning of these services in the urban centres is the Department of Housing and Urban Planning (DHUP) in the Ministry of Communication, Transport, Post and Construction (MCTPC); and in the rural areas the National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (NEW) in the Ministry of Public Health (MoH). The urban and rural WSS sectors have functioned separately in the past. Until 1999, all activities were centrally controlled, but within the Government's decentralization program, responsibility has been passed to each province for developing the necessary strategies, to the districts for planning the activities and to the communities for implementing projects. In line with the process of deregulation, the Government set up a regulatory authority in 1999, the Water Supply Authority (WASA), to oversee the developments in the water supply sector. This Authority is focusing mainly on the urban sector at present. There is no national agency directly responsible for sanitation in urban centres countrywide. There are four major challenges facing developments in the WSS Sector, particularly as they relate to small towns: 1. lack of institutional capacity and qualified persons, particularly at the district level; 2. lack of basic infrastructure services (transport, markets, electricity, telecommunications); 3. lack of private companies that can supply materials or survey, design, construct and operate WSS facilities; 4. lack of an enabling legislative and regulatory framework for the involvement of the private sector or communities.
机译:老挝目前有2个机构,主要负责提供WSS服务。在城市中心,城市供水国营企业(称为Nam Papa)负责代表每个省份运营和维护建筑公用事业。交通,运输,邮政和建设部(MCTPC)的住房和城市规划部(DHUP)负责监督城市中心的这些服务的规划;在农村地区,公共卫生部的国家环境卫生与供水中心(NEW)。过去,城市和农村的WSS部门分开运作。直到1999年,所有活动都得到了中央控制,但是在政府的权力下放方案中,责任已下放到每个省制定必要的战略,地区来规划活动和社区来实施项目。为了放松管制,政府于1999年成立了一个监管机构,即供水管理局(WASA),以监督供水行业的发展。该局目前主要关注城市部门。全国城市中心没有直接负责卫生的国家机构。 WSS部门的发展面临着四个主要挑战,特别是与小城镇有关的挑战:1.缺乏机构能力和合格人员,特别是在地区一级; 2.缺乏基本的基础设施服务(运输,市场,电力,电信); 3.缺乏能够提供材料或勘测,设计,建造和运营WSS设施的私人公司; 4.缺乏使私营部门或社区参与的有利立法和监管框架。



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