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Attribute-level Encryption of Globally Readable and Writeable Databases on Android


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Android mobile devices have become an attractive consumer product because of their portability, high definition screens, long battery life, intuitive user interface, and ubiquitous competitive vendor pricing. The very feature that has helped with the proliferation of the devices is also one of the most problematic: their portability could result in theft, potentially allowing data to be compromised. For applications deployed to these devices, data security requirements need to be incorporated in the design process so these devices can be considered viable data collection tools. Researchers at RTI have been working to secure data on Android mobile devices so that confidential data can be easily accessed, but at the same time allow for selected information on the device to be encrypted and therefore difficult to obtain illegitimately. We have developed software that will encrypt specific attributes of databases residing on the internal secure digital card (SD Card) of Android devices. The method we have developed could also benefit other Android applications requiring secure storage of data on globally readable and writable databases. In this paper, we discuss the technologies and methods used in our Android database encryption/decryption implementation and their potential scalability to broader applications.
机译:Android移动设备具有便携性,高清屏幕,较长的电池寿命,直观的用户界面以及无所不在的竞争性厂商价格,因此已成为有吸引力的消费类产品。促成设备扩散的功能本身也是最成问题的问题之一:它们的便携性可能导致盗窃,并有可能破坏数据。对于部署到这些设备的应用程序,需要在设计过程中纳入数据安全性要求,以便可以将这些设备视为可行的数据收集工具。 RTI的研究人员一直在努力保护Android移动设备上的数据安全,以便可以轻松访问机密数据,但同时又允许对设备上的选定信息进行加密,因此很难非法获取。我们已经开发了可对位于Android设备内部安全数字卡(SD卡)上的数据库的特定属性进行加密的软件。我们开发的方法还可以使其他需要在全局可读和可写数据库上安全存储数据的Android应用程序受益。在本文中,我们讨论了Android数据库加密/解密实现中使用的技术和方法,以及它们对更广泛应用程序的潜在可伸缩性。



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