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A Case Study on the Optimization of Municipal Solid Waste Collection


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Curbside collection of municipal solid waste (MSW) constitutes a substantial portion of waste management cost. In this paper we utilize operations research tools to investigate cost reduction of MSW collection in the township of Millburn. Our research identified that network models, specifically the Chinese Postman algorithms was one of the approaches that could be used to evaluate the truck routes and the optimum sequence of each of these vehicles needed to collect the generated waste. The township of Millburn has a population of 20,000 in approximately 7,000 households. The township collects waste from curbsides of single family and two family units. Based on information provided from the township that includes number of houses per street, waste collection track used, and the frequency of collection per week, the number of trucks needed for a selected prototype section (Glenwood section of Millburn) of the town was determined first. Then with the aid of Graph Magics software, where the Chinese Postman algorithm was one of its modules, we obtained the optimum route for each of the trucks. Our approach provides a platform to compare current MSW practice of this section of the town and possible improvement that can be realized thereof. It is expected that the proposed approach will serve as a benchmark for possible cost savings for the town of Millburn.
机译:路边收集城市固体废物(MSW)构成了废物管理成本的很大一部分。在本文中,我们使用运筹学工具调查了Millburn镇的MSW收集成本降低情况。我们的研究发现,网络模型(尤其是中国的Postman算法)是可用于评估卡车路线以及收集产生的废物所需的每种车辆的最佳顺序的方法之一。米尔本(Millburn)镇的人口约7,000,有20,000人。该镇从单身家庭和两个家庭单位的路边收集废物。根据乡镇提供的信息,包括每条街道的房屋数量,所使用的废物收集轨道以及每周收集的频率,首先确定该镇所选原型区(密尔本的格林伍德区)所需的卡车数量。 。然后借助Graph Magics软件(中国邮递员算法是其模块之一),我们获得了每辆卡车的最佳路线。我们的方法提供了一个平台,用于比较城镇这一部分的当前MSW做法以及可能实现的改进。预计拟议的方法将作为米尔本镇可能节省成本的基准。



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