
BRISE: Energy-Efficient Benchmark Reduction


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A considerable portion of research activities in computer science heavily relies on the process of benchmarking, e.g., to evaluate a hypothesis in an empirical study. The goal is to reveal how a set of independent variables (factors) influences one or more dependent variables. With a vast number of factors or a high amount of factors' values (levels), this process becomes time- and energy-consuming. Current approaches to lower the benchmarking effort suffer from two deficiencies: (1) they focus on reducing the number of factors and, hence, are inapplicable to experiments with only two factors, but a vast number of levels and (2) being adopted from, e.g., combinatorial optimization they are designed for a different search space structure and, thus, can be very wasteful. This paper provides an approach for benchmark reduction, based on adaptive instance selection and multiple linear regression. We evaluate our approach using four empirical studies, which investigate the effect made by dynamic voltage and frequency scaling in combination with dynamic concurrency throttling on the energy consumption of a computing system (parallel compression, sorting, and encryption algorithms as well as database query processing). Our findings show the effectiveness of the approach. We can save 78% of benchmarking effort, while the result's quality decreases only by 3 pp, due to using only a near-optimal configuration.
机译:计算机科学中相当一部分研究活动在很大程度上依赖于基准测试的过程,例如,评估经验研究中的假设。目的是揭示一组独立变量(因素)如何影响一个或多个因变量。由于有大量的因素或大量的因素值(水平),此过程变得很耗时且耗能。当前降低基准测试工作量的方法存在两个缺陷:(1)他们专注于减少因素数量,因此不适用于只有两个因素的实验,但是有大量的水平,(2)例如组合优化,它们针对不同的搜索空间结构而设计,因此可能非常浪费。本文提供了一种基于自适应实例选择和多元线性回归的基准降低方法。我们使用四项经验研究评估了我们的方法,这些研究研究了动态电压和频率缩放以及动态并发限制对计算系统能耗(并行压缩,排序和加密算法以及数据库查询处理)的影响。 。我们的发现表明了该方法的有效性。由于仅使用了近乎最佳的配置,因此我们可以节省78%的基准测试工作,而结果的质量仅降低3 pp。



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