
Common Garbage Classification Using MobileNet


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Garbage classification is the first step in waste segregation, recycling, or reuse. MobileNet was used to generate a model that classifies common trash according to the following categories: glass, paper, cardboard, plastic, metal, and other trash. A dataset of 2527 trash images in .jpg extension was used for the training. The model used transfer learning from a model trained on the ImageNet Large Visual Recognition Challenge dataset. The TensorFlow for Poets git repository was cloned as a working directory to retrain the MobileNet model in 500 steps. The resulting baseline model, with a final test accuracy of 87.2% was optimized and quantized. In the Andoid app development, the optimized model (with 89.34% confidence) is preferred over the quantized model (with 1.47% confidence) based on the test using a plastic image. The model app was successfully installed in a Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ mobile phone. The installed mobile app successfully identified a cardboard material in an image with a cardboard container. It is recommended to rerun the training using more steps as this may improve the quantized model performance since a quantized model is fit for mobile devices than models with no quantization.
机译:垃圾分类是废物分类,回收或再利用的第一步。使用MobileNet生成的模型可以根据以下类别对常见垃圾进行分类:玻璃,纸张,纸板,塑料,金属和其他垃圾。训练中使用了2527个.jpg扩展名垃圾图像的数据集。该模型使用了在ImageNet大型视觉识别挑战数据集上训练的模型中进行的转移学习。 TensorFlow for Poets git仓库被克隆为工作目录,以500个步骤重新训练MobileNet模型。对最终测试精度为87.2%的基线模型进行了优化和量化。在Andoid应用程序开发中,基于使用塑性图像进行的测试,与量化模型(可信度为1.47%)相比,优化模型(可信度为89.34%)是首选。该模型应用已成功安装在Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge +手机中。已安装的移动应用程序成功地使用纸板容器识别了图像中的纸板材料。建议使用更多步骤重新运行训练,因为这可能会提高量化模型的性能,因为量化模型比没有量化的模型更适合移动设备。



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