
Real-Time Plasmodium Falciparum Parasitemia using Natural Neighbor Interpolation


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This paper focuses on the development of an attachment to an Olympus CX21 microscope capable of automating the process of the parasitemia of P. Falciparum, one of the most common parasitic strains of malaria. The device uses a camera module attached to the eyepiece of the microscope to analyze the slide, and a set of stepper motors attached to the stage control to adjust the position of the mechanical stage. The flood-fill algorithm is used to analyze each field of view (FOV) of the slide to count the number of red blood cells and infected cells. Furthermore, while manual differential counting includes the analysis of hundreds of fields of views, the device uses the numerical method, natural neighbor interpolation (NNI), to reduce the number of slides to be examined, thereby making the process much more efficient. The results of the various tests yielded an accuracy rate of more than 90% for the automation of the process and a percent difference of no more than 20% for the application of NNI.
机译:本文着重于Olympus CX21显微镜附件的开发,该附件能够使恶性疟原虫(疟疾最常见的寄生虫之一)的寄生虫过程自动化。该设备使用安装在显微镜目镜上的摄像头模块来分析载玻片,并使用一组安装在平台控制器上的步进电机来调整机械平台的位置。溢流填充算法用于分析玻片的每个视野(FOV),以计算红细胞和感染细胞的数量。此外,虽然手动差分计数包括对数百个视野的分析,但该设备使用数值方法自然邻居插值(NNI)来减少要检查的幻灯片的数量,从而使处理效率更高。各种测试的结果表明,过程自动化的准确率超过90%,而使用NNI的准确率相差不超过20%。



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