
Adversarial Gait Detection on Mobile Devices Using Recurrent Neural Networks


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This paper presents an implicit and continuous user verification service, called dCASTRA, for mobile devices based on walking patterns inferred from smart phone sensors. We use LSTM (Long Short Term Memory) neural networks for learning gait biometrics from raw accelerometer and gyroscope data and enable a device centric implementation of the deep learning models for faster predictions. One of the challenges in building a gait biometric model is to differentiate the sensor data pertaining to the walking activity from other activities such as sitting, standing, climbing, running and driving, etc. We design a multi-layer framework, where the initial layer relies on Google Activity Recognition Service to extract the segments corresponding to the walking activity with high confidence and feed extracted time series data to LSTM networks in the subsequent layer. The use of LSTMs eliminate the need for tedious feature engineering and further enable us to capture long-term dependencies within temporal sequences, often overlooked by existing efforts. We use Google TensorFlow to develop LSTM based gait biometrics and deploy on Android-based smart phones for real-time prediction and evaluation. We compare dCASTRA with our prior effort and with other deep network architectures such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Our results manifest that LSTM and CNN based dCASTRA identifies users in an average 5-6 steps (using 50 Hz sensor sampling rate) with 99% detection accuracy. However, CNNs face significant training overhead as opposed to LSTMs which in turn limits its ability to be deployed in practice.
机译:本文基于从智能手机传感器推断出的行走模式,为移动设备提供了一种称为dCASTRA的隐式连续用户验证服务。我们使用LSTM(长期短期记忆)神经网络从原始加速度计和陀螺仪数据中学习步态生物特征,并启用以设备为中心的深度学习模型的实现,以便更快地进行预测。建立步态生物特征模型的挑战之一是将与步行活动有关的传感器数据与其他活动(如坐,站,站立,攀爬,跑步和驾驶等)区分开来。我们设计了多层框架,其中初始层依靠Google Activity Recognition Service以高可信度提取与步行活动相对应的细分,并将提取的时间序列数据提供给下一层的LSTM网络。 LSTM的使用消除了繁琐的特征工程的需要,并进一步使我们能够捕获时间序列内的长期依赖关系,而这通常被现有工作所忽略。我们使用Google TensorFlow开发基于LSTM的步态生物识别技术,并部署在基于Android的智能手机上进行实时预测和评估。我们将dCASTRA与我们先前的工作以及其他深层网络架构(例如卷积神经网络(CNN))进行了比较。我们的结果表明,基于LSTM和CNN的dCASTRA以平均5-6步(使用50 Hz传感器采样率)识别用户,检测精度为99%。但是,与LSTM相比,CNN面临大量培训开销,这反过来又限制了其在实践中的部署能力。



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