
Website Fingerprinting by Power Estimation Based Side-Channel Attacks on Android 7

机译:Android 7上基于功耗估算的基于侧通道攻击的网站指纹

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Power consumption data on smartphones can be used to infer user information like web browsing activities and location. Since the power consumption data was traditionally considered harmless to user privacy and developers need to use power information to develop energy-efficient apps, it can be obtained without user permission on Android systems older than Android 7. However, due to the updates in Android 7, the traditional methods of accessing power consumption data either don't work anymore or the data is coarse-grained, and less information can be leaked. In this paper, we propose a power estimation method and design a power estimation based side-channel attack to perform website fingerprinting. Results show that website fingerprinting can be performed with high accuracy using power estimation data on Android 7.
机译:智能手机上的功耗数据可用于推断用户信息,例如网络浏览活动和位置。由于传统上认为功耗数据对用户隐私无害,并且开发人员需要使用功耗信息来开发节能应用程序,因此无需用户许可就可以在低于Android 7的Android系统上获取该数据。但是,由于Android 7的更新,传统的访问功耗数据的方法要么不再起作用,要么数据变得粗粒度,并且泄漏的信息更少。在本文中,我们提出了一种功率估计方法,并设计了一种基于功率估计的侧信道攻击来执行网站指纹识别。结果表明,使用Android 7上的功耗估算数据可以高度准确地进行网站指纹识别。



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