
OpenFace 2.0: Facial Behavior Analysis Toolkit

机译:OpenFace 2.0:面部行为分析工具包

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Over the past few years, there has been an increased interest in automatic facial behavior analysis and understanding. We present OpenFace 2.0 - a tool intended for computer vision and machine learning researchers, affective computing community and people interested in building interactive applications based on facial behavior analysis. OpenFace 2.0 is an extension of OpenFace toolkit and is capable of more accurate facial landmark detection, head pose estimation, facial action unit recognition, and eye-gaze estimation. The computer vision algorithms which represent the core of OpenFace 2.0 demonstrate state-of-the-art results in all of the above mentioned tasks. Furthermore, our tool is capable of real-time performance and is able to run from a simple webcam without any specialist hardware. Finally, unlike a lot of modern approaches or toolkits, OpenFace 2.0 source code for training models and running them is freely available for research purposes.
机译:在过去的几年中,人们对自动面部行为分析和理解的兴趣日益浓厚。我们提出了OpenFace 2.0-一种旨在用于计算机视觉和机器学习研究人员,情感计算社区以及对基于面部行为分析构建交互式应用程序感兴趣的人们的工具。 OpenFace 2.0是OpenFace工具包的扩展,能够进行更准确的面部标志检测,头部姿势估计,面部动作单位识别和视线估计。代表OpenFace 2.0核心的计算机视觉算法在上述所有任务中均展示了最新的技术成果。此外,我们的工具具有实时性能,并且可以通过简单的网络摄像头运行,而无需任何专业硬件。最后,与许多现代方法或工具包不同,用于培训模型并运行它们的OpenFace 2.0源代码可免费用于研究目的。



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