首页> 外文会议>2017 International Conference on Information, Communication, Instrumentation and Control >Throughput-save ratio optimization in wireless powered communication systems

Throughput-save ratio optimization in wireless powered communication systems


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This paper deals with the idea of wireless energy harvesting and energy transfer used to establish communication between devices in a wireless network. Wireless energy harvesting and transfer has proved to be very advantageous in areas like WSN in which this technique not only improve the nodes lifetime but also makes the communication eco-friendly. A protocol namely save-then-transmit is used to accomplish the communication between the nodes in which some part of the time slot is devoted for energy harvesting and transfer with remaining part used for data transfer. Two models TCM-EH-ET and TRCM-EH-ET have been considered in which the nodes have no source of energy and they only get energy by natural means i.e. they harvest energy for recharging their batteries from the environment. An energy co-operation scheme is given, parameters involved in energy harvesting and transfer, i.e. energy transfer rate and save-ratio are optimized to maximize the overall throughput of the communication network. The proposed scheme is simulated on MATLAB R2013a, simulation results shows that the throughput of system with given energy cooperation scheme are better than the scheme without energy transfer and energy transfer with half save-ratio.
机译:本文讨论了无线能量收集和能量传递的概念,该思想用于在无线网络中的设备之间建立通信。在WSN等领域,无线能量收集和传输已被证明是非常有利的,在该领域中,该技术不仅可以提高节点寿命,而且可以使通信变得环保。一种协议,即保存然后发送,用于完成节点之间的通信,在该节点中,时隙的某些部分专门用于能量收集和传输,其余部分用于数据传输。已经考虑了两种模型TCM-EH-ET和TRCM-EH-ET,其中节点没有能源,它们仅通过自然方式获得能量,即它们收集能量以从环境中为电池充电。给出了能量合作方案,优化了能量收集和传递中涉及的参数,即能量传递速率和节省率,以最大化通信网络的整体吞吐量。在MATLAB R2013a上对提出的方案进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,具有给定能量协作方案的系统的吞吐量要好于没有能量传递和能量节省一半的方案。



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