首页> 外文会议>2017 International Conference on Electromechanical and Power Systems >Evaluation of the minimum operating duration of cogeneration units that could ensure economic viability

Evaluation of the minimum operating duration of cogeneration units that could ensure economic viability


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This article touches upon the issue of determining the annual minimum economic operating period of cogeneration units, based on internal combustion engines. The calculation of this important indicator for cogeneration plants was performed for the installed power capacities in the range of 5-3000 kWe under local conditions and is based on the analysis of expenditures and revenues. The developed economic model reflects possible dynamics of evolutive parameters during the lifetime of installations. It has been proven that micro-cogeneration is practically at the limit of economic attractiveness. Promoting cogeneration in the country requires the launch of a support scheme.
机译:本文涉及确定基于内燃机的热电联产机组的年度最低经济运行时间的问题。在当地条件下,针对装机容量在5-3000 kWe范围内的装机容量,对热电厂的这一重要指标进行了计算,并基于支出和收入分析。发达的经济模型反映了安装生命周期内演化参数的动态变化。已经证明,微型热电联产实际上处于经济吸引力的极限。在该国促进热电联产需要启动一项支持计划。



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