
A service-oriented middleware for cloud of things and fog computing supporting smart city applications


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Several cities around the world are seeking to adopt the smart city concept to enhance the living quality of their residents and optimize city resources. Smart cities heavily rely on utilizing a number of technologies to improve the performance and services in healthcare, transportation, energy, education, and many others, while reducing costs and resource consumption. One of the promising technologies to support such efforts is the Cloud of Things (CoT). CoT can provide a platform for linking the cyber parts of the smart city that are executed on the cloud with the physical parts of the smart city including residents, vehicles, power grids, buildings, water networks, hospitals and other physical resources. Another technology that can be utilized for enhancing smart cities services is Fog Computing, which extends the traditional Cloud Computing paradigm to the edge of the network to enable better support for operating enhanced services. However, proper integration and efficient utilization of CoT and Fog Computing for smart cities is not an easy task. The paper discusses how the service-oriented middleware approach can help resolve some of the challenges of developing and operating smart city services using CoT and Fog Computing. In addition, this paper proposes a service-oriented middleware, called SmartCityWare, for effective integration and utilization of CoT and Fog Computing for smart cities.
机译:全球许多城市都在寻求采用智慧城市的概念,以提高居民的生活质量并优化城市资源。智慧城市严重依赖利用多种技术来改善医疗保健,运输,能源,教育和许多其他领域的性能和服务,同时降低成本和资源消耗。支持这种努力的有前途的技术之一是物联网(CoT)。 CoT可以提供一个平台,用于将在云上执行的智能城市的网络部分与智能城市的物理部分(包括居民,车辆,电网,建筑物,供水网络,医院和其他物理资源)链接起来。可以用于增强智慧城市服务的另一项技术是雾计算,它将传统的云计算范例扩展到网络的边缘,从而为运营增强服务提供更好的支持。但是,对于智慧城市而言,正确集成和有效利用CoT和Fog Computing并非易事。本文讨论了面向服务的中间件方法如何帮助解决使用CoT和Fog Computing开发和运营智能城市服务的一些挑战。此外,本文提出了一种名为SmartCityWare的面向服务的中间件,用于有效地集成和利用智慧城市的CoT和Fog Computing。



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