首页> 外文会议>2017 IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics >On matching skulls to digital face images: A preliminary approach

On matching skulls to digital face images: A preliminary approach


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Forensic application of automatically matching skull with face images is an important research area linking biometrics with practical applications inforensics. It is an opportunity for biometrics and face recognition researchers to help the law enforcement and forensic experts in giving an identity to unidentified human skulls. It is an extremely challenging problem which is further exacerbated due to lack of any publicly available database related to this problem. This is the first research in this direction with a twofold contribution: (i) introducing the first of its kind skull-face image pair database, Identify Me, and (ii) presenting a preliminary approach using the proposed semi-supervised formulation of transform learning. The experimental results and comparison with existing algorithms showcase the challenging nature of the problem. We assert that the availability of the database will inspire researchers to build sophisticated skull-to-face matching algorithms.
机译:将颅骨与面部图像自动匹配的法医学应用是将生物识别技术与法医学的实际应用联系起来的重要研究领域。这为生物识别技术和面部识别研究人员提供了一个机会,可以帮助执法和法医专家对身份不明的人类头骨进行身份识别。这是一个极具挑战性的问题,由于缺少与此问题相关的任何公共可用数据库,这一问题进一步恶化。这是该方向上的首次研究,具有双重贡献:(i)引入同类中的第一个骷髅脸图像对数据库,“ Identify Me”,(ii)使用拟议的变换学习半监督公式提出初步方法。实验结果和与现有算法的比较表明了该问题的挑战性。我们断言数据库的可用性将激发研究人员建立复杂的从头到尾的匹配算法。



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