首页> 外文会议>2016 International Conference on Microelectronics, Computing and Communications >Sentiment analysis of movie reviews: A study on feature selection classification algorithms

Sentiment analysis of movie reviews: A study on feature selection classification algorithms


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Sentiment analysis is a sub-domain of opinion mining where the analysis is focused on the extraction of emotions and opinions of the people towards a particular topic from a structured, semi-structured or unstructured textual data. In this paper, we try to focus our task of sentiment analysis on IMDB movie review database. We examine the sentiment expression to classify the polarity of the movie review on a scale of 0(highly disliked) to 4(highly liked) and perform feature extraction and ranking and use these features to train our multi-label classifier to classify the movie review into its correct label. Due to lack of strong grammatical structures in movie reviews which follow the informal jargon, an approach based on structured N-grams has been followed. In addition, a comparative study on different classification approaches has been performed to determine the most suitable classifier to suit our problem domain. We conclude that our proposed approach to sentiment classification supplements the existing rating movie rating systems used across the web and will serve as base to future researches in this domain. "Our approach using classification techniques has the best accuracy of 88.95%".
机译:情感分析是观点挖掘的一个子领域,其中分析着重于从结构化,半结构化或非结构化文本数据中提取人们对特定主题的情感和观点。在本文中,我们尝试将情感分析任务集中在IMDB电影评论数据库上。我们检查情感表达,以将电影评论的极性从0(非常不喜欢)到4(非常喜欢)进行分类,并进行特征提取和排名,并使用这些功能来训练我们的多标签分类器来对电影评论进行分类放入正确的标签。由于电影评论缺乏遵循非正式术语的强大语法结构,因此采用了基于结构化N-gram的方法。此外,已对不同分类方法进行了比较研究,以确定最适合我们问题领域的分类器。我们得出的结论是,我们提出的情感分类方法补充了网络上使用的现有分级电影分级系统,并将作为该领域未来研究的基础。 “我们使用分类技术的方法具有88.95%的最佳准确性”。



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