
Apache Flink: Stream Analytics at Scale

机译:Apache Flink:大规模流分析

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Summary form only given. Apache Flink is an open source system for expressive, declarative, fast, and efficient data analysis on both historical (batch) and real-time (streaming) data. Flink combines the scalability and programming flexibility of distributed MapReduce-like platforms with the efficiency, out-of-core execution, and query optimization capabilities found in parallel databases. At its core, Flink builds on a distributed dataflow runtime that unifies batch and incremental computations over a true-streaming pipelined execution. Its programming model allows for stateful, fault tolerant computations, flexible user-defined windowing semantics for streaming and unique support for iterations. Flink is converging into a use-case complete system for parallel data processing with a wide range of top level libraries ranging from machine learning through to graph processing. Apache Flink originates from the Stratosphere project led by TU Berlin and has led to various scientific papers (e.g., in VLDBJ, SIGMOD, (P)VLDB, ICDE, and HPDC). In this half-day tutorial we will introduce Apache Flink, and give a tutorial on its streaming capabilities using concrete examples of application scenarios, focusing on concepts such as stream windowing, and stateful operators.
机译:仅提供摘要表格。 Apache Flink是一个开源系统,用于对历史(批)数据和实时(流)数据进行表达,声明,快速和高效的数据分析。 Flink将类似MapReduce的分布式平台的可伸缩性和编程灵活性与并行数据库中的效率,核外执行和查询优化功能结合在一起。 Flink的核心是建立在分布式数据流运行时上,该运行时将批处理和增量计算结合在真正流式的流水线执行上。其编程模型允许进行有状态的,容错的计算,用于流的灵活的用户定义窗口语义以及对迭代的独特支持。 Flink正在集成到一个用例完整的系统中,以进行并行数据处理,其中包含从机器学习到图形处理的各种顶级库。 Apache Flink源自柏林工业大学(TU Berlin)领导的Stratosphere项目,并已发表了许多科学论文(例如VLDBJ,SIGMOD,(P)VLDB,ICDE和HPDC)。在这个为期半天的教程中,我们将介绍Apache Flink,并使用应用程序场景的具体示例提供有关其流功能的教程,重点关注流窗口和状态操作符等概念。



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