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Intelligent and adaptive Traffic Light Controller (IA-TLC) using FPGA


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For the economic development and progress of any country, roads play an important role by providing transportation ease for goods as well as for passengers. The number of vehicles on road is increasing day by day which are controlled by the traditional Traffic Light Controller in the countries like India and other developing countries. In traditional Traffic Light Controller, fixed time is allotted for traffic on each road to pass irrespective of the traffic intensity. This is an inefficient controlling method which consumes time, effort and fuel of users unnecessarily; also it doesn't have any provision of sensing and giving priority for the emergency vehicles to pass first. This problem is addressed by using Intelligent and Adaptive Traffic Light Controller (IA-TLC) implemented on FPGA using verilog as an example of FSM with 35 states. FPGA, microcontroller and ASIC designs have been used for traffic light controller. Reason for selecting FPGA is that it has numerous merits over microcontroller in TLC design. Some of these merits are high speed of operation, more number of input/output ports and better performance [1]. In IA-TLC density of traffic is sensed by using IR sensors throughout day and night, and accordingly time is allotted for users to pass. Other advantages of this system are: i) System senses emergency vehicles on the individual road moreover it gives priority to the traffic of that particular road where the emergency vehicles is sensed, ii) Finds out defaulter who crosses the red signal by capturing images using camera. IA-TLC is successfully implemented on Spartan 3E FPGA and same module is simulated for Spartan-3E, Spartan-6, Virtex-5 FPGA.
机译:对于任何国家的经济发展和进步而言,道路在为货物和乘客提供便捷交通方面都发挥着重要作用。在印度和其他发展中国家等国家,由传统的交通信号灯控制器控制的道路上车辆的数量每天都在增加。在传统的交通信号灯控制器中,不管交通强度如何,都为每个道路上的交通分配固定的时间。这是一种效率低下的控制方法,不必要地消耗时间,精力和燃料。此外,它也没有提供任何感知和优先级,让应急车辆先通过。通过使用在FPGA上实现的智能和自适应交通灯控制器(IA-TLC)(使用verilog作为具有35个状态的FSM的示例)来解决此问题。 FPGA,微控制器和ASIC设计已用于交通信号灯控制器。选择FPGA的原因是,它在TLC设计中具有优于微控制器的优点。其中一些优点是操作速度快,输入/输出端口数量更多以及性能更好[1]。在IA-TLC中,白天和黑夜通过使用IR传感器来感测交通密度,因此为用户分配了通过时间。该系统的其他优点是:i)系统可感测单个道路上的紧急车辆,并且优先于感测到紧急车辆的特定道路的交通,ii)通过使用摄像头捕获图像来找出越过红色信号的默认人。 IA-TLC已在Spartan 3E FPGA上成功实现,并且为Spartan-3E,Spartan-6,Virtex-5 FPGA模拟了相同的模块。



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