首页> 外文会议>2015 6th European Symposium on Ultrasonic Characterization of Bone >Ultrasonic bone assessment in Tursiops truncatus a proposed means for monitoring marine ecosystem health

Ultrasonic bone assessment in Tursiops truncatus a proposed means for monitoring marine ecosystem health


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In order to circumvent limitations in traditional radiographic bone density assessment, a custom quantitative ultrasound device and protocols were developed for assessment of live bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus. In laboratory measurements on disarticulated pectoral flippers collected post-mortem, a strong correlation was established between bone mineral density (BMD) as measured with quantitative ultrasound and X-ray (r=0.93). A primary target skeletal site in the radius of the dolphin pectoral fin was comprehensively defined. BMD distribution patterns throughout the radius were characterized and a single region of interest (ROI) with a high correlation to the density of the overall bone (r=0.98) was selected. Statistical tests demonstrated no statistically significant differences in any subset based on sex, age, total body length, handedness, nutritional status, or geographical affinity, supporting inclusion of all specimens as a normative reference dataset for bone density in bottlenose dolphins. Initial trials to develop clinical protocols and establish ultrasound of bone as truly non-invasive were conducted on captive dolphins. Successful assessments were subsequently conducted to ultrasonically assess BMD in wild dolphins during capture-release health assessments.
机译:为了规避传统放射线骨密度评估的局限性,开发了一种定制的定量超声设备和协议,用于评估活的宽吻海豚Tursiops truncatus。在对尸体解剖后收集的无关节胸鳍的实验室测量中,通过定量超声和X射线测量的骨矿物质密度(BMD)之间建立了很强的相关性(r = 0.93)。全面定义了海豚胸鳍半径内的主要目标骨骼部位。表征了整个半径上的BMD分布模式,并选择了与整个骨骼的密度高度相关(r = 0.98)的单个感兴趣区域(ROI)。统计测试表明,在基于性别,年龄,总体身长,惯用惯性,营养状况或地理亲和力的任何子集中,没有统计学上的显着差异,支持将所有标本作为宽吻海豚的骨密度标准参考数据库。对圈养海豚进行了初步试验,以开发临床方案并将骨骼超声确定为真正的非侵入性。随后进行了成功的评估,以在捕获释放健康评估期间对野生海豚的BMD进行超声波评估。



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