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From Hodgkin Huxley neurons to Visual Attention Networks in the Brain


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A Multi-Agent System (MAS) has been developed to simulate the Visual Attention Network Model of the brain. Tasks are assigned to the agents according to the Attention Network Theory developed by neuroscientists. A sequential model based on simple objects has been constructed, aiming to show the relations and the workflow between the different visual attention networks. Each agent is being used as an analogy to a role or function of the visual attention systems in the brain. Some experimental results based on this model have been presented in an earlier paper. In addition, a numerical solution of Hodgkin Huxley equations is presented to describe the behavior of a neuron. The solution is illustrated by a graphical chart interface to finely tune the behavior of the neuron visually. The two approaches are at the moment not integrated. The long term goal is to develop an integrated parallel layered object model of the visual attention process as a tool for simulating neuron interactions described by Hodgkin Huxley's equations.
机译:已经开发了一种多智能体系统(MAS)来模拟大脑的视觉注意网络模型。根据神经科学家开发的注意力网络理论将任务分配给代理。构建了基于简单对象的顺序模型,旨在显示不同视觉注意网络之间的关系和工作流程。每种试剂都被用作大脑中视觉注意系统的作用或功能的类比。在较早的论文中已经介绍了基于该模型的一些实验结果。此外,提出了霍奇金·赫x黎(Hodgkin Huxley)方程的数值解来描述神经元的行为。图形图表界面说明了该解决方案,以在视觉上精细调整神经元的行为。目前这两种方法尚未集成。长期目标是开发视觉注意过程的集成并行分层对象模型,作为模拟霍奇金·赫x黎方程描述的神经元交互作用的工具。



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