首页> 外文会议>2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommuncations Systems >An efficient traffic grooming policy for heterogeneous WDM mesh networks

An efficient traffic grooming policy for heterogeneous WDM mesh networks


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Traffic grooming in WDM optical networks is a technique for aggregating many low-speed traffic streams from users onto a high-speed lightpath. In this scheme the objective of the network operator determines the grooming policy. Since traffic grooming problem in WDM mesh networks is NP-Complete, we propose a new polynomial-time static traffic grooming policy namely RCG (Reducing Congestion) for heterogeneous WDM mesh networks. RCG is designed for the network operator to reduce congestion on the logical topology. In addition to reducing congestion, RCG also tries to reduce the use of wavelength-links, number of lightpaths and the number of traffic hops on the logical topology to the extent possible. To the best of our knowledge, no other recently proposed grooming policy has addressed the issue of reducing congestion, lightpaths, wavelength-links and traffic hops together in polynomial time for heterogeneous WDM networks. Performance comparisons with some earlier well-known grooming policies reveal that the proposed policy is much better for throughput maximization.
机译:WDM光网络中的流量疏导是一种将来自用户的许多低速流量流聚合到高速光路上的技术。在该方案中,网络运营商的目标确定修饰策略。由于WDM网状网络中的流量疏导问题是NP-Complete,我们针对异构WDM网状网络提出了一种新的多项式时间静态流​​量疏导策略,即RCG(减少拥塞)。 RCG专为网络运营商而设计,以减少逻辑拓扑上的拥塞。除了减少拥塞之外,RCG还尝试在逻辑拓扑上尽可能减少波长链接的使用,光路径的数量和流量跃点的数量。据我们所知,最近没有其他提议的修饰策略能够解决在异构WDM网络中以多项式方式同时减少拥塞,光路,波长链接和流量跳跃的问题。与一些较早的知名修饰策略进行的性能比较表明,所提出的策略对于吞吐量最大化要好得多。



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