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Advances in Measurement and Verification that are Good for All Industry Stakeholders


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There has been a long-standing need to streamline the measurement and verificationrn(M&V) process for estimating savings in commercial buildings. Savings estimates haverntraditionally been based on pre-project engineering calculations, and not “true” M&V that reliesrnand pre- and post-project measurements of energy use. Because of the challenges in modelingrnthe actual energy use, there has been a general perception M&V is not possible within reasonablernbudgets.rnRecently, new public domain software tools for M&V have been developed. This meansrnthat improved estimates of site-specific energy savings can be made. This capability is maderneven more valuable by the installation of “smart” meters, which has increased the availability ofrnenergy use data by orders of magnitude in comparison to monthly billing data. These new M&Vrntools can use either smart meter data or equipment/subsystem data, and can estimate not onlyrnsavings but also the uncertainty in those savings estimates.rnAn easy-to-use, free software tool that has been used by utilities and national laboratoriesrnis presented in this paper. This tool can use sub-hourly, hourly, or daily interval data to establishrnenergy use models. For completeness, the tool can also use monthly billing data. The toolrnfacilitates the definition of daytypes or occupancy periods, and provides a number of modelrntypes that are based on ASHRAE research.rnThis paper provides examples of its use in several projects, discusses how such tools canrnbe used to streamline projects and programs, and provide confidence in project results forrnutilities, regulators, and investors.
机译:长期以来,一直需要精简测量和验证(M&V)流程以估算商业建筑的节省。传统上,节能量估算是基于项目前的工程计算,而不是依赖于项目前和项目后能源使用量测量的“真实” M&V。由于对实际能源使用进行建模的挑战,人们普遍认为,在合理的预算范围内不可能实现M&V。这意味着可以对特定地点的节能进行更好的估算。通过安装“智能”电表,该功能的价值变得什至更高,与每月的账单数据相比,这提高了能源使用数据的可用性。这些新的M&Vrntools可以使用智能电表数据或设备/子系统数据,不仅可以估算节省的成本,还可以估算这些节省的估算值的不确定性。rn公用事业和国家实验室使用的易于使用的免费软件工具这篇报告。该工具可以使用每小时,每小时或每天的时间间隔数据来建立能源使用模型。为了完整性,该工具还可以使用每月帐单数据。该工具有助于定义日型或入住期,并提供了许多基于ASHRAE研究的模型类型。本文提供了其在多个项目中使用的示例,讨论了如何使用此类工具简化项目和程序,并增强了人们的信心。项目结果是公用事业,监管机构和投资者。



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