首页> 外文会议>2013 International Conference on QiR >Secondary camera placement in Machinema using behavior trees

Secondary camera placement in Machinema using behavior trees


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Machinema is a system that allows making movies in virtual environment created in real-time. In the process of making machinema movie, the camera position plays an important role in the process of cinematography. In the real world, the cameraman receives direction form the director to put the camera accordance with the desired viewpoint. Machinema works in real-time, it would a real camera system that can perform the roles of a director and cameraman in determining perspective on every scene in the film making. In the real world cinematography, the director used a variety of viewpoints such as establishing shot, track shot, bird eye, and close up to get an interesting story. If machinema is used to make a film resembling as in the real world then machinema should be possible to take shoot with various position. We designed an intelligent camera system that can accommodate the needs of the virtual cinematography by observing the rules of traditional cinematography in the real world. An intelligent camera system is capable of assisting in the process of making machinema movies. Our method uses behavior trees. The system we made allows the camera to perform as a director in terms of deciding the proper perspective based on priorities and possibilities to make the camera moves automatically and shoots like a cameraman in the real world. In this paper we implement the system we've created in virtual world using unreal engine.
机译:Machinema是一个允许在虚拟环境中实时制作电影的系统。在制作机密电影的过程中,相机的位置在摄影过程中起着重要的作用。在现实世界中,摄影师会从导演那里得到指示,以按照所需的视点放置相机。 Machinema是实时工作的,它将是一个真实的相机系统,可以在确定电影制作中每个场景的视角时扮演导演和摄影师的角色。在现实世界的摄影中,导演使用了多种视角,例如确定镜头,定格镜头,鸟瞰图和近距离拍摄以获得有趣的故事。如果机器被用来制作与现实世界相似的胶片,那么机器应该可以在不同的位置进行拍摄。我们设计了一种智能相机系统,可以通过遵守现实世界中传统摄影的规则来适应虚拟摄影的需求。智能相机系统能够协助制作机器电影。我们的方法使用行为树。我们制作的系统可让相机根据优先级和可能性来决定正确的视角,从而使相机扮演导演的角色,以使相机自动移动并像现实世界中的摄影师一样进行拍摄。在本文中,我们使用虚幻引擎来实现在虚拟世界中创建的系统。



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