首页> 外文会议>2013 48th International Universities' Power Engineering Conference >Electrical circuit analysis using four dimensional complex numbers, in the form of quaternions

Electrical circuit analysis using four dimensional complex numbers, in the form of quaternions


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The paper demonstrates how electrical variables, when formulated as vector quaternions, can be manipulated. Circuit parameters can easily be obtained, for analytical purposes. Quaternions, which were discovered 170 years ago, are the basis for four dimensional vectors. Electrical variables fit into this realm, as some circuit variables are in quadrature with one another when viewed across different circuit components. The manipulation of the variables to obtain power, energy and impedance is shown to be simple and visual when vectors are looked at, in various planes of the four dimensional space. Other applications of quaternions and complex numbers in the general field of electrical engineering are also alluded to in the paper for completeness and in particular the famous and initial application of quaternions in electric field theory analysis by James Clerk Maxwell.
机译:本文演示了如何将电变量配制成矢量四元数时进行操纵。出于分析目的,可以轻松获取电路参数。四元数是170年前发现的,是四维向量的基础。电变量适合这一领域,因为从不同的电路组件上看,一些电路变量彼此正交。当在四维空间的各个平面上观察矢量时,显示出对变量进行获取功率,能量和阻抗的操作非常简单直观。为了完整性,还提到了四元数和复数在电气工程一般领域中的其他应用,尤其是James Clerk Maxwell在电场理论分析中四元数的著名和初始应用。



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