
Improved network analysis by using hourly meter values


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Vattenfall Distribution Sweden has since 2003 built up an AMR/AMI-platform including remote controlled smart meters. The main reason for the installation has been to automate the meter value collection process and support the customer with bills based on actual consumption. Based on this, Vattenfall has taken the next step and uses the AMR information in new areas. Business Cases have been defined and presented in the “AMR+” project report (2007–12–12). Two of the business cases in the report have been studied in this project. They are: — BC2 “Power Quality Measurements/Net analysis” is about using AMR data in network planning. — BC3 “Net losses” is about better control and supervise the network losses by measure the energy both in the secondary substations and on customer sites. The load at customers site are today not align with the past and are also in general unknown and will in the future be more complex regarding EV (electrical vehicle) and PV (photo voltaic). Network calculations will then be more important for distribution companies in order to optimize the grid and deliver acceptable power quality.
机译:瑞典Vattenfall分销公司自2003年以来已经建立了包括远程控制智能电表的AMR / AMI平台。安装的主要目的是使仪表值收集过程自动化,并根据实际消耗为客户提供账单。基于此,Vattenfall迈出了下一步,并在新领域中使用了AMR信息。已经定义了业务案例,并在“ AMR +”项目报告(2007-12-12)中进行了介绍。该项目研究了报告中的两个业务案例。它们是:— BC2“电能质量测量/网络分析”是关于在网络规划中使用AMR数据。 — BC3“净损耗”旨在通过测量次级变电站和客户现场的能量来更好地控制和监督网络损耗。今天,客户现场的负载与过去不符,而且通常也不为人知,并且将来在EV(电动汽车)和PV(光伏)方面将变得更加复杂。因此,网络计算对于配电公司而言将更为重要,以优化电网并提供可接受的电能质量。



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