
Fusion multispectral images by fuzzy-ARTMAP


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Remote sensing satellites produce images in two modes: panchromatic with very high spatial resolution, and multi-spectral mode with a spatial resolution lower. The purpose of this paper is to develop a method which combines the two modes. We built a new image with the spectral properties of the low-resolution image and the spatial detail of the high resolution image. The images used are derived from IKONOS and QuickBird satellites with a ratio four (4) for the resolution. The basic idea of this work is to develop and test the supervised fuzzy ARTMAP of adaptive resonance theory [1, 2]. In this context two network fusion methods and IHS fusion process combined with a “histogram matching” have been developed. The quality of fusion was done qualitatively and quantitatively by taking into account the two aspects: the quality of preservation of details and quality of color conservation. Although improvements are still needed, the approaches developed and put into practice the evaluations have yielded promising results.
机译:遥感卫星以两种模式产生图像:具有很高空间分辨率的全色模式和具有较低空间分辨率的多光谱模式。本文的目的是开发一种结合两种模式的方法。我们用低分辨率图像的光谱特性和高分辨率图像的空间细节构建了一个新图像。所使用的图像来自IKONOS和QuickBird卫星,分辨率为四(4)。这项工作的基本思想是开发和测试自适应共振理论的监督模糊ARTMAP [1,2]。在这种情况下,已经开发了两种网络融合方法和结合“直方图匹配”的IHS融合过程。融合的质量在定性和定量上要考虑到两个方面:细节保留的质量和颜色保留的质量。尽管仍然需要改进,但评估方法的开发和实践已取得了可喜的成果。



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