
Demand response using service curves


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Existing methods for demand response either assume direct control of appliances by supplier, or assume that consumers adapt their load by reacting to pricing signals. The former are intrusive and might not scale well; the latter expose consumers to price volatility and require detailed awareness of time varying prices. We propose an alternative approach, based on “service curves”, which uses the following two ingredients. (1) The rate at which a consumer may draw power from the grid may be controlled by real time signals. Typical concerned devices would be heating systems, air conditioners and e-car batteries. (2) However, consumers are guaranteed that, over any window of time t, the amount of energy that may be drawn is at least equal to b(t), where the function b() (called the service curve) is agreed upon by contract at subscription time. The contract also specifies the maximum power that may be drawn, as well as a fixed price per unit of energy. Hence users are protected from price variability, at the expense of possible, but upper bounded, delays. With a proper service curve definition, an operator may distribute small service reductions in order to alleviate the impact of massive incoming demand onto the power grid. Consumers are able to observe the past service control signals that they received and can compute optimal load schedules from this and their service curve contracts, using only local information. Thus, this provides a distributed, scalable and robust demand response mechanism.
机译:现有的需求响应方法要么假定由供应商直接控制电器,要么假定消费者通过对定价信号做出反应来调整负荷。前者是侵入性的,可能无法很好地扩展。后者使消费者容易受到价格波动的影响,并要求他们对时变价格有详细的了解。我们基于“服务曲线”提出了一种替代方法,该方法使用以下两种成分。 (1)消费者可以从电网取电的速率可以由实时信号控制。典型的相关设备是加热系统,空调和电动汽车电池。 (2)但是,可以保证消费者在任何时间窗口t内,在已商定函数b()(称为服务曲线)的情况下,可消耗的能量至少等于b(t)。根据合同在订阅时间。合同还规定了可提取的最大功率,以及每单位能源的固定价格。因此,保护​​用户免受价格波动的影响,但要以可能的延迟为上限。通过适当的服务曲线定义,操作员可以分配少量的服务减少量,以减轻大量传入需求对电网的影响。消费者能够观察到他们过去收到的服务控制信号,并且仅使用本地信息就可以根据此和他们的服务曲线合同来计算最佳负荷计划。因此,这提供了一种分布式,可伸缩且健壮的需求响应机制。



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