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Ultrasonic attenuation in pure water: Comparison between through-transmission and pulse-echo techniques


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The ultrasonic attenuation has been estimated by a variety of methods. However, even if the techniques are accurate, the measurement of this parameter is very difficult because it depends on the conditions of the experiment (frequency, temperature, internal structure of the specimen, artifacts, etc.). Attenuation measurements in tri-distilled and degasified water were made by pulse-echo and through-transmission techniques at 1 MHz, 25°C and 19.7°C. Besides the techniques, a micrometer and a scanner system were used to make the displacements. The attenuation coefficient α is been approximated by the exponential behavior of the ultrasonic signal record along 20 cm. Performance of ultrasound in water was analyzed in two zones, near and far lengths. At near zone, α is highly variant, while at far zone, an average α = -0.04417 np/cm is obtained. The purpose of this work is to compare the through-transmission and pulse-echo techniques to obtain the attenuation coefficient in pure water by the approximation of its exponential behavior.
机译:超声衰减已经通过多种方法进行了估计。但是,即使该技术是准确的,该参数的测量也非常困难,因为它取决于实验条件(频率,温度,样品的内部结构,伪影等)。通过脉冲回波和直通传输技术在1 MHz,25°C和19.7°C下对三蒸馏水和脱气水进行衰减测量。除了这些技术外,还使用千分尺和扫描仪系统进行位移。衰减系数α通过沿20 cm的超声波信号记录的指数特性来近似。在近距离和远距离两个区域分析了水中超声波的性能。在近区,α是高度变化的,而在远区,平均α= -0.04417 np / cm。这项工作的目的是比较直通传输和脉冲回波技术,通过近似其指数行为来获得纯水中的衰减系数。



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