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Modeling of mRNA Translation using Petri Nets


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Gene expression is a very complex process duernto the fact that a wide range of factors couldrncontribute to the process of gene expression,rnmRNA transcription and mRNA translation.rnFactor that can lead to the process of genernexpression and protein production can range fromrnenzymes, to signaling network, and so on.rnTechnical advances have always played a key rolernin improving our ability to understand genernexpression that could lead to treatment ofrndiseases. Computer modeling of mRNArnTranslation can provide an unprecedentedrnopportunity to study the process of proteinrnproduction. Simulation and analysis of the modelrnwill provide us with understanding of therninteraction of factors that are contributing in thernprocess of mRNA translation. However thernexponential growth in the volume of experimentalrninformation available makes it difficult forrnresearchers to assemble the details. To overcomernthis problem we propose the use of mathematicalrnapplications and modeling tools to model,rnsimulate and analyze the process of mRNArntranslation. In this paper as an ongoing researchrntoward complete and detailed model of genernexpression and protein production process, wernpropose a Petri Net model of the factors in thernprocess of mRNA translation at sub-molecular,rnmolecular, cellular, organ, system and clinicalrnphenotypic levels.
机译:基因表达是一个非常复杂的过程,这是由于以下事实:基因表达,rnmRNA转录和mRNA翻译的过程可能涉及多种因素。可能导致基因表达和蛋白质生产过程的因素从酶到信号网络,技术进步一直在提高我们对基因表达的理解能力中起着关键作用,而基因表达可能导致疾病的治疗。 mRNArnTranslation的计算机建模可以提供前所未有的机会来研究蛋白质的产生过程。对模型的仿真和分析将使我们了解在mRNA翻译过程中起作用的因素之间的相互作用。但是,可用的实验信息量呈指数增长,这使得研究人员难以汇总细节。为了克服这个问题,我们提出使用数学应用程序和建模工具来对mRNA翻译的过程进行建模,模拟和分析。本文是针对基因表达和蛋白质生产过程的完整而详细的模型的持续研究,提出了一个Petri网模型,用于研究亚分子,分子,细胞,器官,系统和临床表型水平上mRNA翻译过程中的影响因素。



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