首页> 外文会议>2004 Envisat amp; ERS symposium >SESSION 3C2 - CARBON AND KYOTO



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This session contained five papers, one concernedrnwith the global datasets needed for terrestrialrncarbon cycle models, three more directly dealingrnwith the information needs for the Kyotornprotocol, and one investigating the use ofrncoherence to infer forest age and thence therncarbon flux. In all cases the talks described workrnin progress with interim results.rnThe GLOBCARBON project described in the firstrntalk is a recognition by ESA that the progress ofrncarbon cycle science will be much enhanced byrnproviding products (e.g. LAI, burnt area) matchedrnto the needs of climate and dynamic vegetationrnmodels. This is a significant change in outlookrnfrom the past provision of data rather thanrn‘information’. Examples were given of interimrnproducts. However, the final products and theirrnrelease to the modellers is contingent on thernongoing evaluation of these products.rnThe three Kyoto studies, in Switzerland, Spainrnand Indonesia presented very differentrncircumstances. In Switzerland the issue wasrnmainly one of land cover mapping, and resultsrnshown were encouraging enough to go furtherrnwith evaluating remote sensing, along with theirrnother information sources. In Spain, probably thernmost important finding was the ability of MERISrnto provide information on fire damage.rnThe Sumatran study demonstrated the ability ofrnASAR to provide information on the planting andrndeforestation in plantation forest.rnThe fifth talk attempted to relate a soil-plantatmospherernmodel to a coherence model tornexplain observed environmental effects onrncoherence. Although general trends werernexplainable, the magnitude of the fluctuationsrnwere not reproduced by the model, necessitatingrnan empirical approach to recovering age fromrncoherence.
机译:本届会议包含五篇论文,一篇涉及陆地碳循环模型所需的全球数据集,另外三篇直接涉及《京都议定书》的信息需求,另一篇研究使用相干性推断森林年龄并由此推断碳通量。在所有情况下,谈话都描述了工作进展,并取得了中期结果。第一次谈话中描述的GLOBCARBON项目是ESA的认可,即通过提供与气候和动力需求相匹配的产品(例如LAI,燃烧面积),碳循环科学的进步将大大增强。植被模型。与过去的数据提供相比,与“信息”相比,这是前景上的重大变化。给出了中间产品的例子。但是,最终产品及其对建模者的释放取决于对这些产品的不断评估。在瑞士,西班牙和印度尼西亚进行的三项京都研究显示出截然不同的情况。在瑞士,这个问题主要是土地覆被测绘之一,所显示的结果令人鼓舞,可以进一步评估遥感以及其他信息来源。在西班牙,最重要的发现可能是MERISrn提供有关火害的信息的能力。苏门答腊的研究证明了rnASAR能够提供有关人工林种植和森林砍伐的信息的能力。 tornexplain观察到环境对相干性的影响。尽管无法解释总体趋势,但是该模型并未再现波动的幅度,因此需要采用经验方法来从相干性中恢复年龄。



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