
Physical ageing of coil coatings


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T-bend tests were performed on different coil coated panels at various times after their application. The flexibility of the coatings changed with time. This evolution was attributed to the physical ageing of the coatings because they were not subjected to any other ageing factor. DSC measurements showed that the coatings had different rates of ageing and different magnitudes of ageing explaining that their ranking according to their flexibility was time dependent. A method to predict the ranking of coatings according to their physical ageing at equilibrium is proposed. It consists in measuring the ageing by DSC at a temperature T below the Tg so that the difference (Tg-T) is kept identical for all coatings. A correlation between the T-bend test results and those based on the DSC method was obtained.
机译:在应用后,在不同的时间对不同的带卷涂层板进行T型弯曲测试。涂层的柔韧性随时间变化。这种演变归因于涂层的物理老化,因为它们没有受到任何其他老化因素的影响。 DSC测量表明,涂层具有不同的老化速率和不同的老化程度,这说明了根据其柔韧性而定的等级与时间有关。提出了一种根据涂层在平衡状态下的物理老化程度对其排名进行预测的方法。它包括在低于Tg的温度T下通过DSC测量老化,以使所有涂层的差(Tg-T)保持相同。获得了T形弯曲测试结果与基于DSC方法的结果之间的相关性。



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