
Cost optimal reduction of noise in large industrial areas A method to select measures


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It is always a big issue in noise reduction programs to establish which noise levels in the environment can be achieved economically. Especially near large industrial areas it is seldom possible to comply with the preferred values at reasonable cost. This means that an acceptable noise level must be found and an optimization must take place to get the best "value for money". A method, based on the decrease of the number of dwellings with a noise level above the preferred value was developed. The method leads to an order of individual noise reduction measures and uses the costs to reduce the noise level for one dwelling with 1 dB as a decision factor. The strength of the method is, that measures at different sources and sometimes literally miles apart can be compared. It is also a big help for the decision-makers in industry and at the authorities to be aware of the costs of reducing the noise level at a single dwelling with 1 dB. The method was applied successfully at several large industrial areas in the Netherlands. With a few alterations it is also applicable to design the optimal distribution of noise sources for new developments.
机译:降低噪音的方案始终是一个大问题,要确定可以经济地达到环境中的噪音水平。尤其是在大型工业区附近,很少有可能以合理的成本来满足首选值。这意味着必须找到可接受的噪声水平,并且必须进行优化以获得最佳的“物有所值”。基于减少噪音水平高于优选值的住宅数量的方法,开发了一种方法。该方法导致采取各种降噪措施的顺序,并使用成本来降低以1 dB作为决策因素的一个住宅的噪声水平。该方法的优势在于,可以比较在不同来源甚至有时相距几英里处的度量。对于工业决策者和政府部门来说,意识到以1 dB降低单个住宅的噪声水平的成本也是一个很大的帮助。该方法已成功应用于荷兰的几个大型工业区。进行一些改动后,还可以为新的开发设计噪声源的最佳分配。



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