首页> 外文会议>The 2001 International Congress and Exhibition on Noise Control Engineering Vol.1, 2001, Aug 27-30, 2001, The Hague, the Netherlands >Experimental Examination with Elevated Structural Model Concerning Multiple Reflection of Noise Barrier in Noise Forecast of the Ordinary Railways

Experimental Examination with Elevated Structural Model Concerning Multiple Reflection of Noise Barrier in Noise Forecast of the Ordinary Railways


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Model experiments were conducted to examine the multiple reflections to forecast the noise from the ordinary railway. Noise radiation characteristics were compared with clearances between the train and the barrier covered with or without the sound absorption material taken as parameters. The sound ray method was applied to study the behavior of sound with results summarized below. 1. Noise radiation characteristics exhibit horizontal directivity or less steep contours as the train/barrier clearance is widened. Covering the barrier with the sound absorption material tends to make the contours of the noise radiation characteristics steeper. 2. The influence of multiple reflections occurring between the train and the barrier should be changed in the range of 0-2 dB depending on the train/barrier clearance and the position of predicting point. 3. The reduction in level of noise is small at measuring points where the bottom of the train is visible by reason that the sound absorption material dose not participate in the noise. At hidden measuring points, the reduction level grows more greatly at more elevated heights for the same off-track distance. Although we are able to make clear that the influence of multiple reflections varies depending on the train/barrier clearance and where the expected measuring point is, we could not quantify determine the influences of multiple reflections. For further investigations, a simulation taking advantage of the boundary element method and other studies are scheduled.
机译:进行了模型实验,以检查多次反射以预测普通铁路的噪声。将噪声辐射特性与以有无吸声材料作为参数的列车与障碍物之间的间隙进行了比较。声线法被用于研究声音的行为,结果总结如下。 1.随着火车/障碍物间隙的扩大,噪声辐射特性表现出水平方向性或不太陡峭的轮廓。用吸声材料覆盖障碍物倾向于使噪声辐射特性的轮廓更陡峭。 2.取决于火车/障碍物的间隙和预测点的位置,应在0-2 dB的范围内更改火车与障碍之间发生的多次反射的影响。 3.由于吸声材料不参与噪声,在火车底部可见的测量点,噪声的降低很小。在隐藏的测量点处,对于相同的偏离轨道距离,降低级别在更高的高度处增长更大。尽管我们可以清楚地知道多次反射的影响随列车/障碍物的间隙以及预期测量点的位置而变化,但是我们无法量化确定多次反射的影响。为了进行进一步的研究,安排了利用边界元方法进行的模拟以及其他研究。



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