首页> 外文会议>1997 ASME design engineering technical conferences (DETC'97) >Multi-Perspective Information Projection: Structuring Hypermedia Information in Engineering Development Projects

Multi-Perspective Information Projection: Structuring Hypermedia Information in Engineering Development Projects


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Distributed enterprises are now collaborating closely withrntheir suppliers and partners worldwide while continuouslyrnimproving their response time to global markets. Suchrndistributed enterprises demand greater levels of support forrninformation sharing and collaborative workspaces amongrnengineering development teams. While the use of Intranets forrngathering and sharing information is expanding, the organizationrnof the shared information is usually ad-hoc and is not designedrnto efficiently serve the diverse information needs of workgroups.rnSuch ad-hoc organizations of information resultrninformation overload and hence information users have to resortrnto (syntactic) keyword search to access information. This paperrnproposes an Information Projection methodology that integratesrnthe organization of the semantic content of shared informationrnwith the organization of syntactic content of documents in a wayrnthat is meaningful to specific work-groups so as to reducerninformation overload. The Information Projection methodologyrnhas been applied in three different engineering contexts to variedrndegrees of sophistication and has shown a significant degree ofrnre-usability, although the information and document models thatrnresult are themselves very context specific. The informationrnmaps resulting from the context of a MEMS technologyrndevelopment project have also been implemented using basicrnWeb technology (HTML, CGI scripts) and has provided severalrninsights on the implications and limitations of suchrnimplementations.
机译:分布式企业现在正在与他们的全球供应商和合作伙伴紧密合作,同时不断提高对全球市场的响应时间。这样的分布式企业需要在工程开发团队之间为信息共享和协作工作区提供更高级别的支持。随着Intranet收集和共享信息的用途不断扩大,共享信息的组织通常是临时性的,其设计目的并不是有效地满足工作组的各种信息需求。使用resortrnto(语法)关键字搜索来访问信息。本文提出了一种信息投影方法,将共享信息的语义内容的组织与文档的句法内容的组织以对特定工作组有意义的方式集成在一起,从而减少信息过载。信息投影方法论已在三种不同的工程环境中应用于不同程度的复杂性,并且显示出很高的可重复使用性,尽管结果导致的信息和文档模型本身也非常特定于环境。 MEMS技术开发项目所产生的信息图也已使用基本Web技术(HTML,CGI脚本)进行了实现,并且对这种实现的含义和局限性提供了一些见解。



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