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ADM-Aeolus spin-off products and retrieval algorithms


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The Atmospheric Dynamics Mission ADM-Aeolus is the fourth of ESA's Earth Explorer Missions (ESA 1999; Stoffelen et al. 2005a) that is scheduled for launch in 2009. Its objective is to demonstrate the capability to measure wind profiles from space using an eye safe pulsed Lidar operating in the UV range at 355 nm, the ADM-Aeolus instrument is pointing from a low-altitude (~ 400 km), polar orbit in the direction perpendicular to the satellite track. The line-of-sight (LOS) is close to east-west direction (except at high latitudes) with a local elevation angle of ~53 degrees. Based on the instrumental design that implements two separate channels for the detection of the light scattered by molecules and particles, ADM-Aeolus is a High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL). It enables the retrieval of cloud and aerosol layers optical properties as spin-off products. This capability is of the utmost importance in the continuation of the CALIPSO mission (NASA/CNES) launched in late April 2006 and future Earth-CARE mission (ESA/JAXA).
机译:大气动力学任务ADM-Aeolus是ESA的“地球探索者”任务的第四个任务(ESA 1999; Stoffelen等人2005a),计划于2009年发射。其目的是展示使用人眼安全装置测量太空风廓线的能力ADM-Aeolus仪器在355 nm的UV范围内工作,具有脉冲激光雷达,它是从低空(〜400 km)极轨指向垂直于卫星轨道的方向。视线(LOS)靠近东西方向(高纬度除外),局部仰角为〜53度。基于实现两个独立通道以检测分子和颗粒散射光的仪器设计,ADM-Aeolus是一种高光谱分辨率激光雷达(HSRL)。它可以检索云和气溶胶层的光学特性,作为衍生产品。在继续执行2006年4月下旬启动的CALIPSO任务(NASA / CNES)和未来的Earth-CARE任务(ESA / JAXA)时,此功能至关重要。



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