首页> 外文会议>12th international technical meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation (ION GPS-99) >Vehicle-borne Highway Geometric Alignments and Facilities Data Capture Using DGPS and GPS/GIS Integration

Vehicle-borne Highway Geometric Alignments and Facilities Data Capture Using DGPS and GPS/GIS Integration

机译:使用DGPS和GPS / GIS集成的车载高速公路几何路线和设施数据捕获

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In this paper, the author demonstrates how real-time Dif-ferentialrnGPS (DGPS) could be used for highway geomet-ricrnalignments and facilities positioning. The basic con-figurationrnfor a highway data capture system is illustrated.rnSince GPS could supply large, high accuracy, “fresh”,rncost-effective and timely spatial data, it is gradually be-comingrnone of the main data capture and update methodsrnfor GIS-T. When GPS are adopted for the location posi-tioningrnto highway geometric alignments and facilities,rnthe results is usually a series of discrete coordinates inrnWGS 84. The highway agencies often use continuouslyrnexpressed mileage (spatial) to match with a vast variety ofrndistance-distributed highways attributes. To realise therncorrect information match, there is need to establish arnhigh accurate linear reference system (LRS). This is thernprecondition and also the starting point in using the inte-gratedrnGPS/GIS to solve the land surface transportationrnproblems (A. Vonderohe; K. J. Dueker and R. Vrana,rn1992; R. W. Stokes and G. Marucci, 1995). Conventionalrnstraight line-based distance calculation algorithm in LRSrnis by definition inaccurate on curvilinear segments, whichrnis the domain technology when dynamic segmentation isrnused for data retrieval or visual display. In this paper, arnsimple and practical data model for highway characteris-ticrnfeature identification, 2D (3D) coordinates to 1D mile-agerntransformation, curvilinear length calculation is pre-sented.rnSome mathematic formulas are developed. Otherrnfoci of this paper are on the exploitation of the potentialrnusage for the collected GPS data. Based on the above methodologies and as a prototype of integrated GPS/GISrnapplications, a highway geometric alignment and facilityrninformation system is developed for an about 13-km ele-vatedrnurban road in Shanghai, China.
机译:在本文中,作者演示了如何将实时差分GPS(DGPS)用于高速公路几何定位和设施定位。举例说明了高速公路数据采集系统的基本配置。由于GPS可以提供​​大,高精度,“新鲜”,具有成本效益和及时的空间数据,因此它逐渐成为GIS-的主要数据采集和更新方法。 T.当将GPS用于高速公路的几何路线和设施的位置定位时,结果通常是在WGS 84中产生一系列离散的坐标。公路部门经常使用连续表达的里程(空间)来匹配各种各样的距离分布的高速公路属性。为了实现正确的信息匹配,需要建立高精度的线性参考系统(LRS)。这是使用集成的GPS / GIS解决地面运输问题的前提,也是起点(A. Vonderohe; K。J. Dueker和R. Vrana,1992; R。W. Stokes和G. Marucci,1995)。根据定义,LRSrnis中基于直线的常规距离计算算法在曲线段上不准确,这是动态分割用于数据检索或视觉显示时的领域技术。本文提出了一种简单实用的公路特征识别数据模型,提出了将二维(3D)坐标转换为一维英里-年龄转换的方法,并提出了曲线长度的计算方法。提出了一些数学公式。本文的其他重点还涉及对收集到的GPS数据的潜在利用。基于上述方法,并作为集成GPS / GISrn应用程序的原型,为中国上海一条长约13公里的电动城市道路开发了公路几何线形和设施信息系统。



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