首页> 外文会议>12th Americas Conference on Information Systems(AMCIS 2006) vol.2 >Municipal Wireless Networks: A New Institutional Economics Explanation

Municipal Wireless Networks: A New Institutional Economics Explanation


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Whether city governments should intervene and provide public funds for building Municipal Wireless Networks (MWN) is a controversial and important issue. Some people support the government's intervention because MWN services seem to fit in the "public goods" category and result in "positive externality" (Cornes and Sandier, 1986). However, others are suspicious of the efficacy of the government's intervention based on the competing New Institutional Economics (NIE) theory (Williamson, 2000; Cheung, 2002).rnBacked with the theoretical arguments of property rights and transaction costs, we critique the welfare economics policy recommendation which calls for government interventions. We predict that city governments will contract with private firms in developing MWN and will contribute city owned radio frequency and streetlights in the production of MWN services. Our initial findings from an empirical study confirm this proposition. Our study contributes to the MIS research on the emerging phenomenon by introducing NIE and provides practitioners with valid policy recommendations.
机译:市政府是否应该干预并提供公共资金来建设市政无线网络(MWN)是一个有争议的重要问题。有些人支持政府的干预,因为MWN服务似乎属于“公共产品”类别,并导致“积极的外部性”(Cornes和Sandier,1986)。然而,另一些人则怀疑政府干预的有效性基于相互竞争的新制度经济学(NIE)理论(Williamson,2000; Cheung,2002)。rn在对产权和交易成本的理论论证的支持下,我们对福利经济学进行了批评。需要政府干预的政策建议。我们预测,市政府将与私营公司签约以开发MWN,并将在生产MWN服务中贡献城市拥有的无线电频率和路灯。我们从一项实证研究中获得的初步发现证实了这一主张。通过引入NIE,我们的研究为MIS研究新兴现象做出了贡献,并为从业人员提供了有效的政策建议。



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