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Multi-Factor Biometrics for Authentication: A False Sense of Security


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Multi-factor biometric authentications have been proposed recently to strengthen security and/or privacy of biometric systems in addition to enhancing authentication accuracy. An important approach to multi-factor biometric authentication is to apply User-Based Transformations (UBTs) on biometric features. Typically, UBTs rely on generating user-based transformation keys from a password/PIN or retrieved from a token. One significant advantage of employing UBTs is its ability to achieve zero or near zero Equal Error Rate (EER) i.e. a clear separation of genuine and imposter distributions. However, the effect of compromised transformation keys on authentication accuracy has not been tested rigorously. In this paper, we challenge the myth that has been reported in the literature that in the case of stolen transformation key(s), accuracy drops but remains close to the accuracy of biometric only system. Moreover, we shall show that a multi-factor authentication system setup to operate at a zero EER has a serious security lapse in the event of stolen or compromised keys. In such a scenario, the False Acceptance Rate (FAR) of the system reaches unacceptable levels. We shall demonstrate this by experiments conducted on face and fingerprint biometrics, and show that an imposter with a stolen key needs no more than two attempts on average to be falsely accepted by the biometric system.
机译:最近已经提出了多因素生物特征认证,以增强生物识别系统的安全性和/或保密性,同时还提高了认证准确性。多因素生物特征认证的一种重要方法是在生物特征上应用基于用户的转换(UBT)。通常,UBT依赖于从密码/ PIN或从令牌中获取基于用户的转换密钥。使用UBT的一个显着优势是其实现零或接近零的均等错误率(EER)的能力,即,真实和冒名顶替者分布的清晰区分。但是,未经严格测试转换密钥泄露对身份验证准确性的影响。在本文中,我们挑战了文献报道的神话,即在转换密钥被盗的情况下,准确性下降,但仍接近仅生物特征识别系统的准确性。此外,我们将证明,在密钥被盗或泄露的情况下,以零EER运行的多因素身份验证系统设置会严重降低安全性。在这种情况下,系统的错误接受率(FAR)达到不可接受的水平。我们将通过在面部和指纹生物识别技术上进行的实验来证明这一点,并表明具有密钥被盗的冒名顶替者平均需要不超过两次尝试才能被生物识别系统错误接受。



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