
The effect of non-uniform gravity on mixed convection along a vertical surface


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This paper considers the effect of non-uniform gravity on mixed convection along a vertical plate with an inverse-linear temperature distribution. The gravity varies with the distance from the leading edge of the isothermal plate. Two cases are taken into account: a) finite hot plate of length x_0, rotating at angular speed ω in a radial plane about the line x = 0 (where x is the coordinate along the plate); b) infinite cold plate, rotating at angular speed w in a radial plane with its leading edge beginning at a distance x_0 from the axis of rotation. A pseudo-similarity transformation in the new variables (ζ, η) is introduced in order to obtain a parabolic system of differential equations in non-similar form, which is solved by means of the Keller-box method. Using a non-uniform grid, concentrated towards the wall to enhance the resolution and accuracy, with the first step of T taken as 0.01, we used throughout the calculations a value η_(max) = 10 and a number of 241 points in the η-direction. The grid along the ζ axis was concentrated towards ζ = 0 and the number of points on this direction was 121. The level of precision imposed to the Keller-box scheme was le-10. The skin-friction coefficient and Nusselt number are obtained for various values of the Prandtl number and mixed convection parameter λ. Both aiding and opposite effects are considered.
机译:本文考虑了非均匀重力对沿垂直板具有反线性温度分布的混合对流的影响。重力随距等温板前缘的距离而变化。考虑了两种情况:a)长度为x_0的有限热板,以角速度ω在径向平面中绕线x = 0(其中x是沿板的坐标)旋转; b)无限冷板,其在径向平面内以角速度w旋转,其前缘始于距旋转轴的距离x_0。为了获得非相似形式的微分方程的抛物线型系统,引入了新变量(ζ,η)中的伪相似性变换,并通过Keller-box方法求解。使用不均匀的网格,集中向墙以提高分辨率和精度,第一步的T为0.01,我们在整个计算中都使用了η_(max)= 10的值和η中的241个点-方向。沿着ζ轴的网格集中到ζ= 0,并且该方向上的点数为121。施加于Keller-box方案的精度为le-10。对于普朗特数和混合对流参数λ的各种值,获得皮肤摩擦系数和努塞尔数。考虑了辅助作用和相反作用。



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