首页> 外文会议>10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing >ConnectX-2 InfiniBand Management Queues: First Investigation of the New Support for Network Offloaded Collective Operations

ConnectX-2 InfiniBand Management Queues: First Investigation of the New Support for Network Offloaded Collective Operations

机译:ConnectX-2 InfiniBand管理队列:对网络分担集体操作的新支持的首次调查

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This paper introduces the newly developed Infini- Band (IB) Management Queue capability, used by the Host Channel Adapter (HCA) to manage network task data flow dependancies, and progress the communications associated with such flows. These tasks include sends, receives, and the newly supported wait task, and are scheduled by the HCA based on a data dependency description provided by the user. This functionality is supported by the ConnectX-2 HCA, and provides the means for delegating collective communication management and progress to the HCA, also known as collective communication offload. This provides a means for overlapping collective communications managed by the HCA and computation on the Central Processing Unit (CPU), thus making it possible to reduce the impact of system noise on parallel applications using collective operations. This paper further describes how this new capability can be used to implement scalable Message Passing Interface (MPI) collective operations, describing the high level details of how this new capability is used to implement the MPI Barrier collective operation, focusing on the latency sensitive performance aspects of this new capability. This paper concludes with small scale bench- mark experiments comparing implementations of the barrier collective operation, using the new network offload capabilities, with established point-to-point based implementations of these same algorithms, which manage the data flow using the central processing unit. These early results demonstrate the promise this new capability provides to improve the scalability of high- performance applications using collective communications. The latency of the HCA based implementation of the barrier is similar to that of the best performing point-to-point based implementation managed by the central processing unit, starting to outperform these as the number of processes involved in the collective operation increases.
机译:本文介绍了新开发的InfiniBand(IB)管理队列功能,主机通道适配器(HCA)使用该功能来管理网络任务数据流的依赖性,并进行与此流相关的通信。这些任务包括发送,接收和新支持的等待任务,并且由HCA根据用户提供的数据相关性描述进行调度。 ConnectX-2 HCA支持此功能,并提供了将集体通信管理和进度委托给HCA(也称为集体通信卸载)的方法。这提供了一种方法,可以重叠由HCA管理的集体通信和中央处理器(CPU)上的计算,从而可以减少使用集体操作的系统噪声对并行应用程序的影响。本文进一步描述了如何使用此新功能来实现可伸缩的消息传递接口(MPI)集合操作,并描述了如何使用此新功能来实现MPI屏障集合操作的高级细节,着重于对延迟敏感的性能方面。这项新功能。本文以小规模的基准实验作为结束,该实验比较了使用新的网络卸载功能的屏障集体运行的实现方式,以及这些相同算法的基于点对点的实现方式,这些实现方式使用中央处理器来管理数据流。这些早期的结果表明,这项新功能为使用集体通信提高高性能应用程序的可伸缩性提供了希望。基于HCA的屏障实现的延迟类似于中央处理单元管理的性能最佳的点对点实现的延迟,随着集体操作中涉及的过程数量的增加,该延迟开始超过这些。



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