首页> 中文会议>2004年有色金属冶金及材料第二届国际学术会议 >A new way to preparing non-autoclaved and unburned brick using the titanic bearing BF-slag

A new way to preparing non-autoclaved and unburned brick using the titanic bearing BF-slag


The slag non-autoclaved and unburned brick(SNAUB) was prepared on laboratory scale using the high titania BF slag (HTBFS) as aggregate, styrene-acrylate emulsion as cementing materials and two admixtures. Factors such as amounts of admixtures and styrene-acrylate emulsion, forming pressure and curing system on product properties were studied. The optional conditions for preparing the SNAUB were obtained as following : admixture 1 8%-10%, admixture 2 8%-9%, styrene-acrylate emulsion 8%-10%, forming pressure 30MPa, curing time 7d. The properties of the SNAUB are better than that of MU 25.



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