首页> 外文期刊>Veterinary Ireland Journal >Histiocytic Tumours in Dogs

Histiocytic Tumours in Dogs


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Benign and malignant histiocytic turnouts ate important round cell tumours of dogs that ate increasingly diagnosed. The identification of histiocytic tumours has been impioved due to an increase in tumour sample submissions, more widespread staging ofpatients and mote specific staining methods that can identify their tissue origins. Clinically theie is a spectrum of disease from benign histiocytomas that are localised tumours that spontaneously regress to the most malignant form of disease that involves infiltralion of multiple tissues Ihioughout the body. This is likely to be a rapidly progressive and fatal disease. Occasionally, patient outcome is surprising, with some favourable responses to combination treatment with suigeiy. radiation therapyand chemotherapy with the alkylating agent lomustine. Histiocytic tumours should be considered as a possible differential diagnosis when neoplasia is suspected in any canine patient. They are also an important differential diagnosis for a broad lange ofclinical presentations as they can affect virtually any body tissue or anatomical site.



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