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Miss的相关文献在1985年到2023年内共计39138304篇,主要集中在工业经济、常用外国语、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文108篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊85种,包括群文天地、风景名胜、东北之窗等; Miss的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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  • 不公告发明人
  • 王伟
  • 张伟
  • 王磊
  • 李伟
  • 张磊
  • 刘伟
  • 王勇
  • 张涛
  • 李强
  • 期刊论文
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    • 摘要: The film focuses on the romantic interactions between three women and two men.Lao Bai is a middle-aged divorcee who makes a living by teaching painting in his home.After several meals together with three womenMiss Li,a friend he meets online;Bei Bei,his ex-wife;and Gloria,his student-and a witty friend Lao Wu,Lao Bai’s living room becomes a small salon.Their conversations are replete with wisdom and humor,depicting a whimsical lifestyle in the modern city of Shanghai.
    • 丛雨萌; 房瑛瑛(指导)
    • 摘要: Last month,under the leadership of Miss Fang,my classmates and I went to Qingan Memorial Hall,which is located in a small village in Rongcheng.This is the first time that I have known about a woman hero named Zhang Jinglin,who was born in Qingan.She joined the army at the age of 14,but unluckily,she was killed by the Japanese the next year.You could not imagine how such a little girl sent messages to the villagers and guided them to run away from the village in such difficult conditions.
    • 刘珂
    • 摘要: Mary couldn''t stop thinking about the secret garden."What would it look like?"she wondered."I think I shall go out,"she told Martha."Very good,Miss,"Martha said and led Mary out of the house.Martha pointed towards a pathway opposite the door."Head that way,keep going and you''ll be fine."
    • 林心语
    • 摘要: Miss Wang is my English teacher.She looks very young.She is about thirty years old,and she wears a pair of glasses.She is funny,but she is strict in us.She wants us to study hard.
    • 冯甜甜; 许世洁; 王佳博; 李静; 王慧; 樊景春
    • 摘要: 腰椎间盘突出症(Lumbar disc herniation,LDH)是比较常见的骨科疾病之一.据流行病学研究显示,近年来此病有年轻化趋势,患病率也逐步上升.相关数据显示大约有60%到80%的人曾经历过腰背疼痛,25%的人感受过坐骨神经痛.腰椎间盘突出症患者病发时疼痛难忍,坐立不安,降低了患者生活的幸福指数,影响了患者的日常活动,同时给社会医疗造成了负担.当患者的疼痛度达到了用药物、针刺、推拿等方法都不能缓解的程度时,人们往往会采用手术治疗.随着医疗器械的不断精化发展,微创手术逐渐被人们推广使用,本文就椎间盘镜下腰椎间盘摘除术(MED);经皮椎间孔镜椎间盘摘除术(PTED);低温等离子消融术(CN);脊柱微创手术(MISS);改良直视下小切口微创手术(LISS);经皮穿刺臭氧注射椎间盘髓核消融术(OALID)治疗腰椎间盘突出症的微创手术疗效作以综述.
    • Paraskevas Gkolfakis; Georgios Tziatzios; Eleftherios Spartalis; Ioannis S Papanikolaou; Konstantinos Triantafyllou
    • 摘要: Although colonoscopy has been proven effective in reducing the incidence of colorectal cancer through the detection and removal of precancerous lesions, it remains an imperfect examination, as it can fail in detecting up to almost one fourth of existing adenomas. Among reasons accounting for such failures, is the inability to meticulously visualize the colonic mucosa located either proximal to haustral folds or anatomic curves, including the hepatic and splenic flexures. In order to overcome these limitations, various colonoscope attachments aiming to improve mucosal visualization have been developed. All of them-transparent cap, Endocuff, Endocuff Vision and Endorings-are simply mounted onto the distal tip of the scope. In this review article, we introduce the rationale of their development, present their mode of action and discuss in detail the effect of their implementation in the detection of lesions during colonoscopy.
    • Shengwen Xiang; Hongqi Fan; Qiang Fu
    • 摘要: Miss distance is an important parameter of assessing highly maneuvering targets interception. Due to the noise-corrupted measurement and the fact that not all the state variables can be directly measured, the miss distance becomes a random variable with a priori unknown distribution. Currently, such a distribution is mainly evaluated by the method of Monte Carlo simulation. In this paper, an analytic approach is obtained in discrete-time controlled system with noise-corrupted state information. The system is subject to a bang-bang control strategy. The analytic distribution is validated through the comparison with Monte Carlo simulation.
    • 张颂; 苏航
    • 摘要: 1月17日,世界礼仪皇后、JDW商学院创始人,世界殿堂级明星June Dally Watkins空降大连,一场顶石珠宝之行从此开启。Miss Dally今年已经88岁了。她和奥黛丽·赫本是闺蜜,与玛丽莲·梦露是好友。她是英国女王钦准的礼仪皇后,被她培养出的优秀学生有40万,其中包括妮可·基德曼和米兰达·可儿。
    • 摘要: "女汉子"似乎是一个贬义词,因为男孩们听到它会颇为嫌弃地哈哈大笑,会恶搞般地将之与"软妹子"进行种种对比。"女汉子"似乎也是一个褒义词,因为女孩们会很骄傲地将这个词加诸己身,会把肆意潇洒塞进它的帽子。性别女,行为男,似乎也是一种不错的选择。Miss女汉子,快意青春,不要错过哟。
    • Arthur Hoffman; Sanjay Murthy; Lena Pompetzki; Johannes Wilhelm Rey; Martin Goetz; Achim Tresch; Peter Robert Galle; Ralf Kiesslich
    • 摘要: AIM: To investigate the impact of Jet Prep cleansing on adenoma detection rates.METHODS: In this prospective,randomized,crossover trial,patients were blindly randomized to an intervention arm or a control arm.In accordance with the risk profile for the development of colorectal carcinoma,the study participants were divided into high-risk and low-risk groups.Individuals with just one criterion(age > 70 years,adenoma in medical history,and first-degree relative with colorectal cancer) were regarded as high-risk patients.Bowel preparation was performed in a standardized manner one day before the procedure.Participants in the intervention arm underwent an initial colonoscopy with standard bowel cleansing using a 250-m L syringe followed by a second colonoscopy that included irrigation by the use of the Jet Prep cleansing system.The reverse sequence was used in the control arm.The study participants were divided into a high-risk group and a low-risk group according to their respective risk profiles for the development of colorectal carcinoma.RESULTS: A total of 64 patients(34 men and 30 women) were included in the study; 22 were included in the high-risk group.After randomization,30 patients were assigned to the control group(group A) and 34 to the intervention group(group B).The average Boston Bowel Preparation Scale score was 5.15 ± 2.04.The withdrawal time needed for the first step was significantly longer in group A using the Jet Prep system(9.41 ± 3.34 min) compared to group B(7.5 ± 1.92 min).A total of 163 polyps were discovered in 64 study participants who underwent both investigation steps.In group A,49.4% of the polyps were detected during the step of standard bowel cleansing while the miss rate constituted 50.7%.Group B underwent cleansing with the Jet Prep system during the first examination step,and as many as 73.9% of polyps were identified during this step.Thus,the miss rate in group B was a mere 26.1%(P < 0.001).When considering only the right side of the colon,the miss rate in group A during the first examination was 60.6%,in contrast to a miss rate of 26.4% in group B(P < 0.001).CONCLUSION: Jet Prep is recommended for use during colonoscopy because a better prepared bowel enables a better adenoma detection,particularly in the proximal colon.
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