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Love的相关文献在1991年到2022年内共计659篇,主要集中在常用外国语、社会学、电影、电视艺术 等领域,其中期刊论文650篇、专利文献9篇;相关期刊347种,包括大学英语、海外英语(中)、音乐世界等; Love的相关文献由525位作者贡献,包括张琦云、班伟(摄影)、丁娜等。



论文:650 占比:98.63%


论文:9 占比:1.37%





  • 张琦云
  • 班伟(摄影)
  • 丁娜
  • 巨永锋
  • 文常保
  • 李演明
  • 杜文将(摄影)
  • 丐小亥(整理)
  • 云崽子
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 马凤钖
    • 摘要: 1991年,华纳推出陈百强重返该唱片公司的第三张专辑《Love In L.A.》,L.A.即Los Angeles,是美国加州城市洛杉矶的缩写,这张专辑可直译为"爱在洛杉矶"。专辑收录了10首歌,从内容上看,除《寂寞的感觉》歌词中提到"为你踏遍欧洲美国"外,几乎与洛杉矶这个城市没有多少关系,但为何会爱在洛杉矶呢?
    • CHEN Kai
    • 摘要: Sappho’s Fragment 1 and Fragment 16 are both about the feminine love and desire.This essay invents an original term“rebellious mimic”,based upon Jack Winkler’s theory“double consciousness”,to interpret the two lyrics:“mimic”means that both lyrics,formulaically,adhere or allude to the literary norms which are frequently applied by other male authors while“rebellious”further complements that she creatively alters the conventional themes that are usually expected within such norms.For one thing,this literary contrast effectively attracts the audience’s attention and highlights the individual voice of Sappho in her lyrics.For another,it also alleviates the hostility between genders-it is intended to express that both men’s and women’s world share some common characteristics,instead of establishing one’s supremacy over the other.
    • Liana De Girolami Cheney
    • 摘要: This essay discusses the manifold depictions of Saint Michael The Archangel in Italian Renaissance art,in particular in Giorgio Vasari’s imagery.It starts with a brief explanation of who Michael The Archangel is,explores his visual iconography in pagan,Judeo-Christian,and Byzantine imagery,and examines the impact of Renaissance Neoplatonism on the interpretation of Saint Michael and his symbolic roles.The Renaissance Neoplatonic philosopher Marsilio Ficino explained the significance of the Platonic celestial ladder as a spiritual vehicle for the human soul to achieve divine love.One step of this ladder is the Angelic Mind.It is here that the sparkling light of the realm of the Angelic Mind reveals the splendor and beauty of God’s grace.This is the realm where Michael,a Seraphim and a messenger of God,resides,delivering God’s messages of grace and love to humanity throughout the world.Giorgio Vasari(1511-1574)visualized these divine messages metaphorically in frescos on two major vaults.The first is in the small cupola of the Pope Pius V Chapel in the Vatican,once called Saint Michael’s Chapel,where between 1560 and 1566 Vasari and his assistants painted al fresco the Saint Michael and the Devils,a depiction of Michael the Archangel combatting vices personified as demons who want to prevent human beings from obtaining the divine grace that will allow their souls to ascend toward heaven(Figure 1).Between 1570 and 1574,Vasari continued his metaphorical visualization of God’s divine message in a large vault,the octagonal cupola of Santa Maria del Fiore,the Dome of the Cathedral of Florence,the major focus in this essay(Figure 2).He and his assistants painted al fresco the Last Judgment,portraying Saint Michael The Archangel residing in a heavenly realm-the divine reign of God,where he mediates and witnesses God’s divine judgment on humankind(Figure 13).Here,celestial trumpeters loudly announce the separation of good and bad souls of the terrestrial realm,Earth.The bad souls rapidly descend into a Dantesque infernal realm where demons capture them and transform them into hybrid forms.In contrast,the good souls quickly emerge from Earth to ascend into Heaven.Their skeletal figures transform into angelic beings,ready to receive divine grace and eternal love.
    • Matthew J.Dennis
    • 摘要: The ecological conditions that underlie much of human flourishing still receive scant attention from moral philosophers.While interest in philosophy of ecology has grown in recent years,ethicists are still reluctant to grant ecological issues the status they arguably deserve.These issues are not restricted to custodianship of the natural world;they also pertain to our ability to enjoy love relationships and other passionate attachments.While the connection between human flourishing and love relationships has an ancient provenance,recently philosophers such as Harry Frankfurt,Bernard Williams,and Susan Wolf have emphasised it.Nevertheless,the ecological conditions of our passionate attachments remain obscure.This chapter investigates the extent that passionate attachments are underwritten by a delicate balance of ecological conditions.To do this,the author examines the effects of the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus,SARS-CoV-2,which has threatened a key aspect of passionate attachments:our sociality.
    • 肖丹丹
    • 摘要: "我能看看我的孩子吗?"刚刚做了母亲的女人高兴地问。当襁褓被放到她怀里,她拿开挡着孩子小脸的布时,她倒吸了一口气。医生快速地转过身去,向外望去。孩子天生没有耳朵。事实证明他的听力完全没有问题,只是容貌有缺陷。一天,他从学校飞奔回家,投入妈妈的怀抱。她叹息着,知道他的一生将有一连串的伤心。他说出了那件让人心碎的事情:"一个男孩,大个子男孩,叫我怪物。"
    • Ami
    • 摘要: 狗是与人类关系最亲密的动物之一,中西方历史里,狗有看家护院、捕获猎物等重要作用。不过,在社会认可上,西方的狗似乎"更吃香"。比如,许多英国人介绍家庭成员时会将狗与人相提并论,如"我有x只狗和x个孩子";电影或文学中,有狗相伴左右的主人翁,关键时刻常能得到狗的帮助;英语里与狗相关的词汇多为褒义:Lucky dog(幸运儿)、Top dog(大人物)、Love me love my dog(爱屋及乌)等等。
    • 韩涛; 彭语心
    • 摘要: Based on the corpus,the metaphorical structure of Love Are Plants in Chinese includes six stages:(1)sowing/rooting/ger-minating,(2)growing,(3)flowering,(4)flower fading,(5)fruiting,and(6)withering.The stages of plant growth and the developmentstages of love basically show a one-to-one correspondence,and its cognitive grounding is the psychological similarity between thesource domain PLANTS and the target domain LOVE,which is not an objective existence,but a subjective judgment of the addresser.
    • Emily Bronte
    • 摘要: Love is like the wild rose-briar.Friendship like the holly-tree.The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms.But which will bloom most constantly?The wild rose-briar is sweet in the spring.Ifs summer blossoms scent the air;Yet wait till winter comes again.And who will call the wild-briar fair?Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now.And deck thee with the holly's sheen・That when December blights thy brow.He may still leave thy garland green.
    • Emily Bronte
    • 摘要: cqvip:Love is like the wild rose-briar.Friendship like the holly-tree.The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms.But which will bloom most constantly?The wild rose-briar is sweet in the spring.Ifs summer blossoms scent the air;Yet wait till winter comes again.And who will call the wild-briar fair?Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now.And deck thee with the holly's sheen・That when December blights thy brow.He may still leave thy garland green.
    • 张倩倩;
    • 摘要: 时尚的本质是家庭。(The nature of fashion is family。)——阿尔伯艾尔巴茨(Alber Elbaz)近日,为纪念传奇设计师阿尔伯艾尔巴茨(Alber Elbaz)对时尚行业的贡献,AZ FACTORY举办了一场名为“Love Brings Love”的致敬大秀。
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