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Fusion的相关文献在1990年到2023年内共计716篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文706篇、专利文献10篇;相关期刊353种,包括影视制作、电子产品世界、今日电子等; Fusion的相关文献由1116位作者贡献,包括Mohamed S. El Naschie、Seifedine Kadry、Yunyoung Nam等。



论文:706 占比:98.60%


论文:10 占比:1.40%





  • Mohamed S. El Naschie
  • Seifedine Kadry
  • Yunyoung Nam
  • 宫丽华
  • Abdul Majid
  • Hiromitsu Takano
  • Ikuho Yonezawa
  • Jyotsna Sengupta
  • Kazuhisa Nishizawa
  • Kazuo Kaneko
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Hui-Yi Zhang; Ye Tian; Han-Yan Shi; Ya Cai; Ying Xu
    • 摘要: Cerebral ischemia is a serious disease that triggers sequential pathological mechanisms, leading to significant morbidity and mortality. Although most studies to date have typically focused on the lysosome, a single organelle, current evidence supports that the function of lysosomes cannot be separated from that of the endolysosomal system as a whole. The associated membrane fusion functions of this system play a crucial role in the biodegradation of cerebral ischemia-related products. Here, we review the regulation of and the changes that occur in the endolysosomal system after cerebral ischemia, focusing on the latest research progress on membrane fusion function. Numerous proteins, including N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor and lysosomal potassium channel transmembrane protein 175, regulate the function of this system. However, these proteins are abnormally expressed after cerebral ischemic injury, which disrupts the normal fusion function of membranes within the endolysosomal system and that between autophagosomes and lysosomes. This results in impaired “maturation” of the endolysosomal system and the collapse of energy metabolism balance and protein homeostasis maintained by the autophagy-lysosomal pathway. Autophagy is the final step in the endolysosomal pathway and contributes to maintaining the dynamic balance of the system. The process of autophagosome-lysosome fusion is a necessary part of autophagy and plays a crucial role in maintaining energy homeostasis and clearing aging proteins. We believe that, in cerebral ischemic injury, the endolysosomal system should be considered as a whole rather than focusing on the lysosome. Understanding how this dynamic system is regulated will provide new ideas for the treatment of cerebral ischemia.
    • 摘要: 适合您手掌的先锋演讲者。Fusion是一个扬声器,结合了远程相机快门按钮和防丢失报警器。它将播放您喜爱的音乐,简化您的拍照过程,并保护您想要剪辑的任何物品的安全。使用Fusion扬声器,您可以在一个紧凑的机箱中获得一个三合一的小工具。该项目旨在创造现有产品的下一代。它包括寻找新的设计方向、构造解决方案、改善声音特性和用户体验。
    • 摘要: 6月9日,DaVinci Resolve 18 Public Beta 4版软件更新发布。更新后,除调色页面之外,Fusion页面也将拥有Resolve FX表面跟踪器支持。升级后,可以在Fusion内部对T恤或旗帜等会发生位移或形状变化的物体表面应用图文。同样,本次更新能直接从剪辑页面导出IMSC1或DFXP字幕,无需离开该页面并转到交付页面进行导出操作了。可以直接在创建字幕的地方选中它,从而节省大量时间。面对使用各种不同片段格式的客户,可以将片段从媒体池拖拽到新的Fairlight时间线轨道上,DaVinci Resolve会自动创建新的轨道来匹配源片段的格式。
    • 摘要: 本次更新添加了尼康RAW文件解码支持,为索尼IMF渲染设置增加了一个容易选择的新预设,通过这种方式可以更快地选择和渲染工作。Fusion方面,更好的3D渲染处理意味着当用户使用搭载M1 Max处理器的Apple Mac型号工作时,将不会超出可用内存。在Apple Silicon型号上使用HDR控制使影像调色时的稳定性也得到了提升。
    • Ahmed Hosameldin; Abdelrahman Senosi; Mostafa Abdel-Latif
    • 摘要: Background: Multiple level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) is indicated for those who suffer from multilevel stenosis or compression of the spinal canal. It was reported that this intervention would unfortunately lead to a loss of normal cervical range of motion (CROM). Although, fewer studies have demonstrated the exact impact of the procedure on CROM. In our study, short and midterm postoperative CROM was described. Methods: Ninety patients who underwent ACDF were followed up postoperatively for at least 3 months. Active CROM was measured in all patients preoperatively and in postoperative follow-ups by cervical spine X-rays in lateral dynamic view using Cobb’s angle method. Results: Unfortunately, postoperative CROM was significantly diminished. At the short-term (3 months) follow-up there was a great limitation in CROM. While an obvious increase in CROM at the midterm (6 months) follow-up was observed in flexion especially. The reduction in global ROM (calculated as preoperative global ROM – 6 months postoperative ROM) was 4.1 and the reduction rate (calculated as reduction ROM divided by preoperative ROM) was 9.5%. The recovery ROM (calculated as 6 months postoperative ROM – 1 month postoperative ROM) was 8.2. The recovery rate (calculated as recovery ROM divided by 1 month postoperative ROM) was 26.5%. Conclusion: Active CROM following multiple level ACDF was obviously diminished. The most affected motion after surgery was flexion. It was noticed that at the short-term follow-up CROM would be more limited while after further follow up CROM was obviously improved even in neck flexion motion.
    • Qiu-Yu Peng; Huan-Xiong Chen; Zhen-Hao Zhong; Xue-Jian Yang; Guo-Jun Li; Zhi-Bin Meng
    • 摘要: Objective:We through the anatomy of cadavers to study the"Kambin’s triangle"in the safe working area of lumbar intervertebral foramen and to provide anatomical reference for clinical lumbar fusion through Kambin’s triangle approach.Methods:five complete cadaveric specimens were taken,the soft tissue of the lumbar back was removed,the transverse process,upper and lower articular processes and part of the vertebral lamina were bitten,the Kambin’s triangle area of the lumbar spine was completely exposed,the bottom edge and height of the Kambin’s triangle were measured,and the area of the Kambin’s triangle was calculated;Using Kirschner wire,pull and fix the traveling nerve root to make the Kambin’s triangle into a rectangle,measure the length of the bottom edge and height again,calculate the area,and compare the two groups of data.Results:the average height of the Kambin’s triangle was 11.20mm±2.10mm,and the average height of the improved four corners was 11.19mm±1.93mm.The height of the improved four corners was slightly shorter than that of the Kambin’s triangle.There was a significant correlation between the two,but the difference was not statistically significant.The average bottom of Kambin’s triangle is 10.78mm±1.95mm,and the average bottom of improved four corners is 12.14mm±1.78mm.The length of the bottom edge of improved four corners is greater than that of Kambin’s triangle.There is a significant correlation between them,and the difference is statistically significant;The average area of Kambin’s triangle is 61.79mm^(2)±20.71mm^(2),and the area of improved four corners is 137.71mm^(2)±38.20mm^(2).The area of improved four corners is significantly larger than that of Kambin’s triangle.There is a significant correlation between the two,and the difference is statistically significant.Conclusion:there is a narrow right angle triangle area surrounded by traveling nerve root,dural sac and superior endplate of lower vertebral body in the lumbar intervertebral foramen.If the traveling nerve root is pulled and fixed to turn the traditional Kambin’s triangle into a quadrilateral,the bottom edge of the Kambin’s triangle area can be significantly longer and the area can be significantly expanded,which can be operated more safely.
    • 郜洁
    • 摘要: 我们常说,心有多大舞台就有多大。作为北京时尚控股有限责任公司所属光华集团旗下的自主时尚品牌,ArtFusion Ace从诞生之日起,就被赋予了关乎集团整体布局的重要使命:面临产业升级的需求与挑战,走好从中国产品到中国品牌的转型之路。品牌是企业乃至国家竞争力的综合体现,在中国经济由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段的过程中,ArtFusion Ace在北京时尚控股有限责任公司品牌战略的引领下,以其大胆独到的眼光、多年积累的丰富资源、对市场与时尚的准确把握,向我们证明了:顺势而上,开拓进取,方是自强之路。
    • 摘要: 赢创与其长期行业合作伙伴惠普一起,联合开发了一款主要应用于3D打印领域的全新弹性体。此款新材料是一种基于热塑性聚酰胺(TPA)的柔性高性能特种粉末,并针对行业领先的惠普Multi Jet Fusion^(TM)(多射流熔融)技术进行了优化。
    • 魏可欣; 张焰
    • 摘要: 【加拿大粒子与核物理国家实验室网站2021年8月12日报道】2021年8月12日,加拿大粒子与核物理国家实验室(TRIUMF)和生物制药公司Fusion Pharmaceuticals宣布将继续合作推进锕-225研发、生产和供应。根据双方2020年12月签署的合作协议,Fusion Pharmaceuticals将继续向国家实验室投资2500万加元(1987万美元),推进锕-225生产技术和工艺的研发。
    • Jalal Sadoon Hameed Al-bayati; Burak Berk Üstündağ
    • 摘要: The Fused Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm has been proposed,which selects the most specific feature sets from images of the disease of plant leaves.The Proposed algorithm ensures the detection of diseases during the early stages of the diagnosis of leaf disease by farmers and,finally,the crop needed to be controlled by farmers to ensure the survival and protection of plants.In this study,a novel approach has been suggested based on the standard optimization algorithm for grasshopper and the selection of features.Leaf conditions in plants are a major factor in reducing crop yield and quality.Any delay or errors in the diagnosis of the disease can lead to delays in the management of plant disease spreading and damage and related material losses.Comparative new heuristic optimization of swarm intelligence,Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm was inspired by grasshopper movements for their feeding strategy.It simulates the attitude and social interaction of grasshopper swarm in terms of gravity and wind advection.In the decision on features extracted by an accelerated feature selection algorithm,popular approaches such as ANN and SVM classifiers had been used.For the evaluation of the proposed model,different data sets of plant leaves were used.The proposed model was successful in the diagnosis of the diseases of leaves the plant with an accuracy of 99.41 percent(average).The proposed biologically inspired model was sufficiently satisfied,and the best or most desirable characteristics were established.Finally,the results of the research for these data sets were estimated by the proposed Fused Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm(FMGOA).The results of that experiment were demonstrated to allow classification models to reduce input features and thus to increase the precision with the presented Modified Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm.Measurement and analysis were performed to prove the model validity through model parameters such as precision,recall,f-measure,and precision.
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