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义眼的相关文献在1988年到2022年内共计367篇,主要集中在眼科学、临床医学、预防医学、卫生学 等领域,其中期刊论文231篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献134篇;相关期刊118种,包括现代中西医结合杂志、实用临床医药杂志、中国美容医学等; 相关会议1种,包括第九届东南亚地区医学美容学术大会等;义眼的相关文献由718位作者贡献,包括刘德成、叶娟、苟中入等。



论文:231 占比:62.94%


论文:2 占比:0.54%


论文:134 占比:36.51%





  • 刘德成
  • 叶娟
  • 苟中入
  • 施一平
  • 王嫦君
  • 胡平
  • 宋斗
  • 徐乃江
  • 杨贤燕
  • 肖震国
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王昕
    • 摘要: 传统的鸟类剥制标本采用的一些制作材料会产生环境污染,同时对标本本身存在一定程度的弊端,不利于标本的长期保存.随着标本制作工艺的不断提高,一些新的材料逐渐被用于标本制作中.文章以鸟类标本制作为依托,详细阐述新材料在剥制标本制作中的具体应用.
    • 马小青; 卜佳
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨眼球摘除义眼台植入术后患者义眼的配戴及护理.方法 在患者眼球摘除义眼台植入术后,按照患者健眼的大小、巩膜颜色等特征,使用聚甲基丙烯酸酯材料配制佩戴义眼片.结果 本组187例患者均完成义眼的配戴.其中17例佩戴后出现分泌物增多,经及时用药及义眼片清洗完成配戴;2例由于眼睑刺激水肿,经治疗后2个月后完成配戴;其余患者均顺利完成配戴.结论 天然珊瑚多孔羟基磷灰石义眼台植入术后配戴聚甲基丙烯酸酯义眼片,组织相容性好、重量轻,两种材料相结合,不但减少了眶内异物刺激,而且舒适美观,使患者增加自信.同时可减轻患者的痛苦,提高了患者的生活质量.
    • 马建霞; 马朝霞; 王彦; 刘德成
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the effect of eyeball atrophy Plastic surgery with acellular bovine pericardium patch. Methods Thirty-four patients (34 eyes) with mild or moderate ocular atrophy were sacrificed. The corneal epithelium and surrounding tissue were completely removed from the atrophic eyeball, the patch with a diameter of 20mm was used to cover the sclera, and the bulbar conjunctiva and the fascia of the eye were sliding down simultaneously, covering the whole patch and fixing it at the lower edge of the cornea. The custom-made artificial eyes were wore 1 months after operation and follow-up 6-24 months to observe the effect. Results There were no corneal exposure and foreign body sensation in 34 cases. The bilateral palpebral fissures were symmetrical and the appearance was improved. Conclusion The treatment of mild or moderate atrophy of eyeball using acellular bovine pericardium patch can make the cornea is not easy to expose after surgery, and no obvious foreign body sensation and irritation symptoms after wearing a personalized implant.%目的:探讨脱细胞牛心包补片在眼球萎缩整形中的临床效果.方法:轻中度眼球萎缩34例(34眼),术中将萎缩眼球的角膜上皮层和角膜缘上皮组织彻底清除,将直径20mm补片覆盖于角巩膜,上方球结膜与眼球筋膜同时向下滑行,覆盖整个补片并固定于下方角膜缘,与下方眼球筋膜及结膜缝合.术后1个月定做义眼片佩戴,随访6~24个月,观察其效果.结果:34例轻中度眼球萎缩患者,术后结膜筋膜均覆盖良好,无角膜暴露,佩戴义眼片后无明显异物感及刺激症状,双侧睑裂对称,外观改善良好.结论:轻中度眼球萎缩采用脱细胞牛心包补片治疗,术后角膜不易暴露,佩戴个性化义眼片后无明显异物感及刺激症状.
    • 雷继承; 杨倩倩; 刘德成
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨改良眼内容物剜除术替代义眼台植入预防眼窝凹陷的方法及临床效果。方法:对36例(36)眼视力丧失患者行保留角膜的眼内容物剜除术,术中将眼内容物及色素剜除干净,剪断视神经。术后1月订做并佩戴义眼片改善外观,随访6~24个月。结果:36例(36眼)眼眶区饱满,睑裂高度双眼基本对称,义眼活动度良好。结论:改良式眼内容物剜除术操作简便,疗效好,痛苦小,费用低,并发症小,值得基层医院推广应用。%Objective To explore a now way to replace the orbital implant and observe its clinical effect. Methods A total of 36 patients underwent corneal retention enucleation were observed.During the operation of intraocular contents and pigment enucleation clean,and cut the optic nerve.Ocular prosthesis were ordered through individuation 1 month after operation,the follow up period ranged from 6-24 months. Results All patients eye socket was well-stacked,the palpebral ifssure height was symmetry,the false eyes moved well,all eye socket sunken were modiifed,the appearance improved markedly. Conclusion Modified tendon capsule cover combine with evisceration and cut off the opticis a les pain,cost less operation.It has no complications ,and is economic and worthy of generalization used in primary hospitals.
    • 王彦; 刘德成
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the clinical effect of wearing thin-walled ocular prosthesis after conjunctival and balbar fascia flap covering surgery of atrophicy eyeball.Methods Totally 64 eyes of 64 patients with mild-to-moderate atrophic eyeball were treated. In the operation, the corneal epithelium and limbus epithelial tissue of atrophic eyeball were thoroughly removed, the above bulbar conjunctiva and bulbar fascia lfae were slid downward, to cover the whole cornea and were ifxed in the inferior limbus, and stratiifed suture was used in the below fascia and conjunctiva. After a month, customized personalized ocular prosthesis was used. The follow-up time was 6-24 months and the curative effect was observed. ResultsThe conjunctiva fascia coverage of 64 patients (64 eyes) was good with no corneal exposure and foreign body sensation. The bilateral palpbral ifssure height was similar in two eyes. The improved outward appearance was satisfactory.Conclusion Applying complete conjunctiva fascia lfap to cover cornea in mild-to-moderate eyeball atrophy is effective. The healing of postoperative fascia and cornea is good.The cosmetic effect of wearing personalized ocular prosthesis is good.%目的:探讨萎缩眼球行结膜筋膜覆盖术后配戴薄型义眼的临床效果。方法:轻中度眼球萎缩64例(64眼)。术中将萎缩眼球的角膜上皮层和角膜缘浅层巩膜组织彻底清除,将上方球结膜和眼球筋膜同时向下滑行,覆盖整个角膜并固定于下方角膜缘,与下方眼球筋膜及结膜缝合。术后1个月定做义眼片佩戴,随访6~24个月,观察其效果。结果:64例结膜筋膜覆盖良好,无角膜暴露,无异物感,双侧睑裂对称,外观改善满意。结论:轻中度眼球萎缩采用改良结膜眼球筋膜瓣覆盖角膜,术后愈合良好,佩戴个性化义眼片,可达到美容效果。
    • 熊柯; 谭青; 陈林江; 马明; 董冰松
    • 摘要: Objective To study the effects of the surgical treatment of blepharoptosis in patients with ocular prosthesis.Methods The levator muscle plication or frontalis muscle flap suspension operation were performed on 23 eyes of 23 cases with blepharoptosis.The patients with implanting ocular prosthesis could improve the palpebral fissure size.Results The appearance of eyes were mainly symmetic after operation.Conclusion The surgical treatment for blepharoptosis in patients with ocular prosthesis brings good efficacy.%目的 探讨佩戴义眼患者上睑下垂的手术治疗.方法 23例(23眼)因佩戴义眼后上睑下垂者通过上睑提肌折叠缩短或额肌瓣悬吊术,改善睑裂大小.结果 术后两眼外观基本对称.结论 佩戴义眼患者上睑下垂进行手术矫正效果良好.
    • 刘凤霞; 张松; 王彦; 刘德成
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨保留外伤性萎缩眼球配戴薄型义眼的方法与临床效果.方法 轻中度外伤眼球萎缩32例(32眼).术中将萎缩眼球的角膜浅层基质和角膜缘上皮组织彻底清除,将上方球结膜和眼球筋膜同时向下滑行,覆盖整个角膜并固定于下方角膜缘,与下方眼球筋膜及结膜缝合.术后1个月定做义眼片佩戴,随访6 ~ 24个月,观察其效果.结果 32例结膜筋膜覆盖良好,无角膜暴露,患者无异物感,双侧睑裂对称,外观改善满意.结论 轻中度外伤性眼球萎缩采用改良结膜眼球筋膜瓣覆盖角膜,术后愈合良好,角膜不暴露,结膜囊成形好,佩戴个性化义眼片,可达到美容效果.%Objective To investigate the method and clinical effect of wearing thin-walled ocular prosthesis after conjunctival and bulbar fascia flap coverlaying surgery of traumatic atrophic eyeball.Methods Total 32 eyes of 32 patients with mild-to-moderate traumatic atrophic eyeball were treated.In the operation,the superficial parenchyma of cornea and limbus epithelial tissue of atrophic eyeball were thoroughly removed,the above bulbar conjunctiva and bulbar fascia flap were slid downward to cover the whole cornea and fixed in the inferior limbus,and sutured with fascia and conjunctiva below.At 1 month postoperatively,customized personalized ocular prosthesis was used.The follow-up time was 6-24 months and the curative effect was observed.Results The conjunctiva fascia coverage of 32 patients were good without corneal exposure or foreign body sensation.The improved appearance was satisfactory.Conclusion Applying complete conjunctiva fascia flap to cover cornea in mild-to-moderate traumatic atrophic eyeball is effective.The healing of postoperative fascia and cornea is good,and the cornea is not exposed.The cosmetic effect of wearing personalized ocular prosthesis is good.
    • 纪慎言
    • 摘要: 自然的山水、林木、花草及各类人工建筑等等,是为我们眼中的风景,常让我们陶醉。其实纷繁人世中,男男女女,老老少少,熙熙攘攘,来来往往,亦人自成景,所谓人景也。在一个地方居住或常在一个区域活动,时间长了,你会发现种种人等世相,会时常令你念念不忘、感慨万千。最早引起我关注的是一对中年夫妻。女的拄着拐杖在前面一瘸一拐跛行,男的提了个高脚马扎在后面跟着;走一段路之后,男人放下马扎让女人坐下休息
    • 黄红卫
    • 摘要: 姐姐又哭又闹。要成为我姐夫的是那个外号叫"二三"的。生下时二斤三两不算,小学二年级上了三年,上了三年就上了三年,问题是仍写不清楚自己姓名。父亲劝姐姐:有点二三不碍事,傻人傻福嘛,人家是国营工厂大工人,捧着"铁饭碗"。你过去,也捧"铁饭碗"。"铁饭碗"啊!退一万步,就算是为了你哥。再退一万步,就算帮你老子一把。老古言:破窑里烧好砖。
    • 秦富强; 杨倩倩; 刘德成
    • 摘要: Objective To explore new dacron patch retain eye cure postoperative wear thin shell cover righteousness for the treatment of mild and moderate eyeball atrophy clinical effect and safety. Meth⁃ods Among 32 cases (32 eyes) with mild and moderate eyeball atrophy patients without active le⁃sions in eyes take cornea and angle resection margin plate layer joint heart dacron patch covering cornea,postoperative transparent support the eye piece of conjunctival sac,4-6 weeks after wearing a thin shell of righteousness. Results Random access 6-24 months,32 cases (32 eyes) with con⁃junctival flap back, incision dehiscence and epithelial implantation cyst, there was no foreign body sensation or complications such as infection.Wearing a thin shell prosthesis had a certain activity, and the appearance improved well. Conclusion For mild and moderate eyeball atrophy patients without active lesions in eyes, take cornea and Angle resection combined heart dacron patch to cover flange layer after wearing thin shell the eye, can get a good cosmetic effect.%目的:探讨保留眼球的新增涤纶补片遮盖术后佩戴薄壳义眼治疗轻、中度眼球萎缩的临床效果及安全性。方法:对32例(32眼)轻、中度眼球萎缩且眼内无活动病变的患者行角膜及角巩缘板层切除术联合心脏涤纶补片角膜遮盖术,术后透明义眼片支撑结膜囊,术后4~6周佩戴薄壳义眼。结果:随访6~24月。32例(32眼)无结膜瓣回退、切口裂开及上皮植入性囊肿,无异物感或感染等并发症发生。佩戴薄壳义眼有一定活动度,外观改善良好。结论:对轻、中度眼球萎缩且无眼内活动性病变的患者,行角膜及角巩缘板层切除联合心脏涤纶补片遮盖术后佩戴薄壳义眼,可获得良好的美容效果。
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