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CAMEL的相关文献在1992年到2022年内共计125篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、肿瘤学、轻工业、手工业 等领域,其中期刊论文106篇、专利文献19篇;相关期刊71种,包括广东通信技术、通信与信息技术、移动通信等; CAMEL的相关文献由180位作者贡献,包括廖建新、姜建中、张军锋等。



论文:106 占比:84.80%


论文:19 占比:15.20%





  • 廖建新
  • 姜建中
  • 张军锋
  • 胡锦敏
  • 张磊
  • 徐啸涛
  • 陈丽琴
  • 陈俊亮
  • Mohammed S. AL-Harbi
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • Asim Faraz
    • 摘要: In domestic animals,the body weight is the ultimate result of growth which forms the basis of meat production.Sex,nutrition,breed and health are the main factors which influence the growth rate in animals.Heredity which is the major factor affecting the prenatal growth either directly through the genotype of the fetus or indirectly through the genotype of the dam.The prenatal growth patterns and development of the camel fetus is just like the fetus of cattle,however,the meat output from the breeding she-camels is limited often due to longer gestation periods,longer milk feeding periods,lower calving rates under traditional management system.A lot of variation regarding camelid daily growth rate exists that varies widely between breeds,within breeds and regions.There is a significant effect of pre-weaning and post-weaning growth rates on the final body weights in camelids.Management system,the available milk quantity,husbandry practices and vegetative conditions are the main factors that affect the pre and post weaning growth rates of camel calves.However,it is partially dependent on the availability of browsing species throughout the whole year.In this specific study,an effort has been drawn to look into the literature data for camel growth assessment.
    • Karim A. Yaqout; Ahmed Monir; Magdy R. Badr; Abou Bakr A. EL-Wishy; Adel R. Moawad; Amr S. El-Shalofy
    • 摘要: Vitrification of immature oocytes at the germinal vesicle (GV) stage is important to preserve female gametes. The standard formula for vitrification solutions has long been a debate. Herein, we investigated the effect of the presence or absence of trehalose in vitrification solution on viability, in vitro maturation (IVM) rates, and development of vitrified/warmed immature dromedary camel oocytes. Cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) obtained at slaughter from the ovaries of mature she-camels were randomly allocated into three groups;namely, control group, oocytes were directly subjected to IVM without vitrification, vitrification solution 1 (VS1) group, oocytes were vitrified in a solution composed of 25% ethylene glycol (EG) plus 25% dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) + 0.5 M trehalose;and vitrification solution 2 (VS2) group, oocytes were vitrified in a solution composed of 25% EG plus 25% DMSO. Vitrification of COCs was conducted by open pulled straws (OPS) method. Following vitrification and warming, morphologically viable oocytes were matured in vitro for 36 h. COCs were then fertilized and cultured in vitro for 7 days. The percentage of viable oocytes was significantly higher (P 0.05) in VS2 than VS1 group (80.0% vs. 63.3%, respectively). Nuclear maturation, cleavage (48 h post-insemination;pi), and blastocyst rates (7 days pi) were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in VS2 than in VS1 groups. No significant differences were observed in oocyte maturation and development rates between VS2 and control groups. In conclusion, vitrification of immature dromedary camel oocytes in trehalose-free solution (VS2) was more advantageous than that in trehalose supplemented media since it did not reduce viability and development.
    • Guled Hassen; Kawnin Abdimahad; Berhan Tamir; Abdihakin Ma’alin; Tadele Amentie
    • 摘要: This study was conducted to identify major available camel feed resources and determine their chemical composition in Degahbur district. A total of 120 respondents were selected using purposive sampling technique. Data from the selected actors were collected using a semi-structured questionnaire survey, focus group discussion and field observations. The study revealed that the majority (82.5%) of the respondents in the study area were male headed households. Browsing trees and shrubs were the major available livestock feed resources both in dry (51.6%) and wet (68%) season, and followed by herbaceous species (26.6 and 23.7% for dry and wet season, respectively). The study identified about 20 herbaceous, 24 trees, 11 shrubs, 7 bush and 17 grass species which are used as camel feed in the study area. Chemical composition analyses of the sampled feeds indicated that there was a significant difference in crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) between species in different seasons. The NDF contents in the current study were above the critical value of 60% which was reported to result in decreased voluntary feed intake, feed conversion efficiency and longer rumination time. In general, the findings indicated that the use of improved forages and agro-industrial by-products as camel was minimal;thus, camels were fed on available feed resources which are poor in nutritional quality without any supplementation. Therefore, the study suggests the need for improving camel feeding practices in the study area to enhance camel productivity.
    • 胡晨光
    • 摘要: 在车联网系统中,车辆上报的运行数据需实时转发至各类平台.传统单体转发系统因不同目的地转发逻辑相互影响而增加了系统的不稳定性,且模块不易维护和扩展.此外,由于接入平台的不断增加,传统条件判断的转发路由规则日益复杂,且代码结构不清晰.针对这些问题,文中提出了一种基于Camel的车联网消息路由转发方案,将路由和转发独立设计和运行,利用Camel的规则引擎实现不同需求的路由规则,提高了系统的扩展性和可维护性.
    • 李晓庆; 朱苏祺
    • 摘要: 文章将公司治理变量指标作为投入变量,基于CAMEL评级体系选取产出指标,并使用WRDDM模型对我国59家商业银行2008—2017年间的公司治理无效率得分进行测度。结果表明:样本银行的公司治理无效率得分较高,说明样本银行在样本期间的公司治理效率水平相对较低,公司治理绩效水平有待提高;从投入产出变量的无效率得分来看,治理无效率得分偏高的原因在于盈利能力产出方面的无效性得分较高;在三类银行中,国有银行的公司治理绩效水平整体较高,股份制银行次之,而城商行的公司治理绩效水平整体较差;导致三类银行公司治理绩效差异的主要原因可能在于银行的上市与否。
    • 晓青1
    • 摘要: 零售“双线”融合的趋势越发明显,不少品牌也紧跟平台脚步,加快对智慧门店的尝试和布局,如CAMEL骆驼推出“Camel Jeans”和“骆驼优选+”新零售门店、良品铺子升级“智慧门店”系统……
    • 摘要: 2019年1月3日,骆驼集团股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”或“骆驼集团”)与乌兹别克斯坦“M-ARSH LLC”(以下简称“M-ARSH公司”)签订了《骆驼集团(乌兹别克)蓄电池有限公司发起人协议》(以下简称“《发起人协议》”),双方拟在乌兹别克斯坦共和国共同投资设立CAMEL M-ARSH BATTERY CO.,LTD(以下简称“骆驼乌兹别克公司”或“标的公司”),从事铅酸蓄电池生产、销售及废旧铅酸蓄电池回收再生等经营活动,标的公司注册资本为1500万美元,公司认缴出资765万美元,持股51%。
    • Yosef Tadesse
    • 摘要: The study was undertaken in the northern periphery of the country, Tigray region, north-west Tigray zone, Tahitay Adiyabo district from February to March, 2017. For this study, four Kebeles were selected purposively based on the presence of two major community groups (Tigrayans and Kunama) and presence of camel species and other livestock species. Seventy-two (72) households per district, of which 38 households from two kebeles for Kunama community and 34 households from two kebeles for Tigrayan community groups were selected randomly. A software package of SAS (2008) was employed to generate descriptive statistics for qualitative and quantitative data. As the study revealed, three-fifth and two-fifth of the respondents in the study area were illiterate and attended primary education respectively. The two community groups were significantly (P 0.05) different on educational status and Tigriyans respondents were more educated than the other counterpart. More than 2/3 children (7 - 17 years of age) of the respondents in the study area were attended school. Exceptionally, more than 75% of the children for Tigriyan community group in the district were attended school whereas 3/5th of Kunama community children were attended school education. Average family size per household in the study area was 6.22 ± 0.45 and significant (P 0.05) difference was observed in the two community groups which was higher in Tigriyan community (7.23). Livestock husbandry practices (breeding objectives, herding, milking and marketing) were decided entirely by husband or both and the decision by wife alone was reported to be non-existent in the study area. From all respondents of Kunama community, more than a quarter of them produce household income majorly from their livestock and secondarily from crop. Livelihood diversification (off-farm activities) was almost non-existent in the study area. The study shows that majority of the respondents own ruminant animals and camel. Surprisingly, in the current study, all of the respondents own camel species but camel milk marketing was the main problem of Kunama community. From the Kunama community group, quarter of the respondents own camel and goat only. This study suggested that attention should be given for child education in Kunama community and absence of camel milk marketing may affect the utilization of the species and as a consequence, it would extinct. Hence, in order to conserve this species, camel milk market problem should be solved. Besides, in the study area, camel is the important species for all the communities and attention should be given to improve camel productivity.
    • Belayneh Engidawork Demissie
    • 摘要: The objective of this review is to confer semen collection and processing, and semen deposition technique in camel. Artificial insemination is an important technique to ensure rapid genetic improvement in camels. The use of AI has been reported in camel, although insemination trials are rare. The widely accepted methods of semen collection include electro ejaculation and artificial vagina (AV), but flushing of the epididymis with saline solution can also be used as an alternative. Depending on the method of semen processing, semen is usually used in raw condition or after extension. Whole semen is used within minutes or after few hours in the fresh raw method. In short-term preservation or liquid semen (within a few hours or days) and long-term preservation or frozen semen (months or years), extension of the semen ejaculate is carried out by adding extenders which is required in more efficient use of AI. Semen is extended under different temperatures (30°C, 25°C or 4°C), in short-term preservation. Cryopreservation is used to carry out long-term preservation. Different freezing procedures are represented by packaging methods such as ampoules or in plastic straws with different volumes (0.25, 0.5 or 4 ml) and pellets. The best time for insemination can only be determined by rectal palpation of the ovaries and/or ultrasonography. The other alternative is to inseminate at known intervals following induction of ovulation by hormonal treatment with human-chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) or gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH). The semen should be deposited into the uterus at least 24 hours after the onset of ovulation. Pregnancy rates depend on the semen extender, site of deposition and number of sperm deposited. Blood or milk progesterone assays, rectal palpation, and ultrasonic image detection of pregnancy are commonly used approaches of pregnancy diagnosis in camel.
    • 摘要: 11月8日,江南造船(集团)有限责任公司为英国Navigator Gas公司建造的第四艘3.75万立方米乙烯运输船交付。该船载重2.7万吨,为江南造船自主研发、设计、建造的世界最大舱容乙烯运输船。白此,江南造船为该公司建造的“Camel E”系列乙烯运输船全部顺利交付,完美收官。
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