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SPOT5的相关文献在2002年到2022年内共计236篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、测绘学、林业 等领域,其中期刊论文226篇、会议论文10篇、专利文献61021篇;相关期刊136种,包括测绘与空间地理信息、地理空间信息、遥感信息等; 相关会议8种,包括全国测绘科技信息网中南分网第23次学术信息交流会、全国测绘科技信息网中南分网第二十二次学术信息交流会、2007年全国城市勘测新技术研讨交流会等;SPOT5的相关文献由618位作者贡献,包括林辉、王珂、冯秀丽等。



论文:226 占比:0.37%


论文:10 占比:0.02%


论文:61021 占比:99.61%





  • 林辉
  • 王珂
  • 冯秀丽
  • 孙华
  • 彭道黎
  • 刘庆忠
  • 张明华
  • 张杰
  • 张超
  • 楼立明
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 程三友; 王曦; 李永军; 王冉
    • 摘要: 以ETM、SPOT5和Quickbird为主要信息源,在哈拉阿拉特山地区开展1∶5万区域地质填图,对该地区的地层单元、中—小规模地质体(如岩脉、小岩体和火山口)和地质构造特征进行了详细地遥感解译分析,并开展了大量的遥感野外地质调查验证。结果表明,采用彩色空间HSV变换融合法将SPOT5高精度遥感图像数据与ETM图像数据融合,保持了波谱信息的一致性;选择主成分PC1、2、3之SPOT51~4、主成分PC1、2、3之ETM 1~7、主成分PC6、5、4之ETM 1~7假彩色合成的图像,清晰地显示了主要岩性地层单元界线的多光谱信息,提高了遥感影像底图的信息量和易解译程度。将野外采集的地质资料与Quickbird高精度遥感图像相结合,可准确而快速地勾绘地质界线,显著提高了对构造和地质体边界勾绘的精度。ETM、SPOT5和Quickbird数据综合遥感解译成果很好地指导了哈拉阿拉特山地区野外地质调查工作,高分辨率遥感影像准确解译中—小规模地质体在该区域地质调查工作中起到了关键作用。
    • 武慧智; 何姝珺; 马骁
    • 摘要: 利用2011年SPOT5和2016年GF1遥感影像数据,通过计算机自动提取与人工交互解译相结合、室内解译与野外查证相结合的方式,调查河南省栾川地区矿山占地动态变化信息.对比分析发现,2016年工作区内矿山占地图斑共144处,总面积共14.74 km2,其中尾矿库图斑面积最大,其次为采场图斑,第三为废石堆图斑,分别占矿山占地图斑总面积的47.08%、31.41%、16.95%.2011—2016年变化图斑共25处,其中扩张图斑19处,新增图斑6处,面积共增加了2.56 km2,矿山恢复治理图斑无变化.
    • 赵勋; 岳彩荣
    • 摘要: 森林资源二类调查一般每10年进行1次,年度数据更新是林业部门迫切需要解决的技术难题.基于小班数据与遥感技术相结合,采用面向对象的方法对林地小班数据进行空间信息的更新.以香格里拉的虎跳峡镇为例,以2006年二类调查小班数据为基础,利用2008年12月SPOT5影像探讨了林地变化信息提取.结果表明:与传统变化检测技术方法不同,该方法可实施对森林资源二类调查数据空间信息的快速更新,客观地反映林地的变化信息,可以满足森林资源管理部门对森林林地变化信息快速提取的需要.
    • 陈齐新; 章逸鹏; 李嘉第
    • 摘要: 针对目前遥感手段估算河流流量的方法适用性不强的问题,提出一种基于SPOT5遥感影像和DEM的河流流量估算方法.该方法借助DEM数据获取河段上某一断面位置处的地形剖面,从SPOT5遥感影像中提取水域并得到水面宽度,进而得到过水断面面积和水力半径,然后通过该河段上下游断面的水面高差及河段长度求取水面比降,确定糙率后使用曼宁公式估算该断面的流量.利用该方法对选取的东江干流及秋香江、西枝江上7个断面的流量进行了估算,并用实测流量数据对其精度进行了验证.结果显示绝对误差最小为-2.71 m3/s,最大为-78.28 m3/s,相对误差最小为9.02%,最大为37.69%,有6个断面的相对误差皆小于20%,而平均相对误差为15.87%.在这7个断面中,河宽最小达到75.51 m,3个在150 m以内,都被成功提取出来.对比分别使用BJ03式和曼宁公式估算河流流量的结果,发现曼宁公式精度更高.结果表明该估算河流流量的方法可行,并能够估算宽度在100 m以内河流上任意断面的流量,对获取缺乏水文资料地区的河流流量有借鉴意义.
    • 白潍铭; 赵帅; 姚畅
    • 摘要: 由于SPOT5相邻两幅遥感影像重叠区域较少,尤其是在地形起伏较大的南半球地区,受地球自转影响较大,在两幅影像做配准与镶嵌时出现较大的几何误差,无法满足影像的处理与使用.通过基于自带地理坐标的两幅SPOT5影像直接镶嵌、 基于配准后的影像镶嵌及基于DEM正射校正与配准相结合的影像镶嵌,探讨三种方式的镶嵌效果,并对镶嵌结果作精度评价.研究表明,利用DEM数据进行正射校正后再配准的镶嵌方法精度最高,基于配准后的影像镶嵌次之,基于地理坐标的镶嵌效果最差.因而在做两幅SPOT5影像数据镶嵌前体现出基于DEM正射校正的必要性,同时能够满足后续的各项影像处理与使用需求,也为以后在同类地区使用SPOT5进行数据处理提供借鉴.
    • 张志军; 潘思远; 李明; 王雁鹤; 徐延峰
    • 摘要: Lithological interpretation is a very important part in remote sensing geological interpretation.First,interpretation keys must be established according to the lithology and its combination types of the geological body in the area to be interpreted.The stratigraphic division in Bayan Hara Mountain Group is relatively difficult and controversial,resulting in the existence of a large number of division schemes.That is because of single lithology,multilayer formation thickness,single top-bottom and rare fossils of flysch formation in Bayan Har Mountains Group.Aimed at tackling this situation,using remote sensing method,and starting with the lithological interpretation based on the SPOT5 and ETM data,the authors obtained information to the greatest degree.The lithologic interpretation and classification was based on detailed elaboration from four aspects in this study.A systematical description was made on the process of establishment of interpretation keys based on visual image.And then the stratigraphic image was redelimited through the established interpretation keys.The rock section and lithological association were subdivided for each stratum.Some new understanding of formation lithology was obtained in the study area.This would provide new data for stratigraphic correlation as well as regional geological survey in Bayan Har mountains.%岩性解译是遥感地质解译中十分重要的内容,解译前首先要根据待解译区地质体的岩性及其组合类型建立遥感解译标志.北巴颜喀拉山群复理石建造因岩性单一、地层厚度巨大、难见顶底且化石稀少,长期以来对该套地层的划分相对困难且争议颇多,形成了众多划分方案.针对这种情况,采用遥感方法,以SPOT5和ETM卫星遥感数据为基础影像,从岩性解译人手进行了最大程度的地质信息挖掘.从4个方面详细阐述了岩性解译和岩性组合划分的依据,系统地介绍了研究区基于遥感影像的岩性可视化解译标志的建立过程.并利用所建立的解译标志重新厘定了地层的影像特征,细分了各地层岩段或岩性组合,取得了对研究区地层岩性的新认识,为北巴颜喀拉山群地层对比及区域地质调查提供了新资料.
    • 李娜; 谢高地; 周德民; 张昌顺; 焦翠翠
    • 摘要: 成功的生态系统的监测取决于准确的分类结果。本文试图对沼泽湿地的生态特征进行监测。遥感分类常被用于描述生态系统或土地覆盖的格局情况。不同空间分辨率的的遥感影像反映的景观类型,景观特征均存在差异。本文利用不同空间分辨率的遥感影像,对洪河自然保护区湿地生态系统在群落尺度上进行监测。洪河湿地自然保护区是典型的内陆原始沼泽湿地生态系统的保护地,以草本沼泽植被和水生植被为主。根据SPOT-5不同分辨率10 m´10 m、20 m´20 m、30 m´30 m的影像,以及30 m空间分辨率的Landsat TM影像,利用最大似然法(MLC)对洪河保护区进行分类。为了验证分类结果的精度,本文利用航空影像分类数据作为样本,对SPOT-5和TM分类结果进行KAPPA精度验证。由分类结果,得出以下结论:(1)分类结果验证数据对结果的影响很重要;(2)不同传感器的影像对地面生态系统的表达内容不一样,即使是处于相同的光谱波段,同一空间分辨率的情况下。分类结果不仅取决于生态系统类型的多样性和斑块形状,还取决于面积维数和斑块的聚合度。(3)洪河自然保护区核心区湿地保护最好,其次是缓冲区,最差的是实验区。实验区已经有大面积的湿地被人类开垦成农田,湿地生态系统已经退化的很严重。因此,对珍稀生态系统的保护应该与人类的活动区强制的隔离开,才能保护原始湿地生态系统多样性。%Successful biological monitoring depends on judicious classification.An attempt has been made to pro-vide an overview of important characteristics of marsh wetland. Classification was used to describe ecosystems and land cover patterns. Different spatial resolution images show different landscape characteristics. Several clas-sification images were used to map and monitor wetland ecosystems of Honghe National Nature Reserve (HNNR) at a plant community scale. HNNR is a typical inland wetland and fresh water ecosystem in the North Temperate Zone. SPOT-5 10 m×10 m, 20 m×20 m, and 30 m×30 m images and Landsat -5 Thematic Mapper (TM) images were used to classify based on maximum likelihood classification (MLC) algorithms. In order to validate the preci-sion of the classifications, this study used aerial photography classification maps as training samples because of their high accuracy. The accuracy of the derived classes was assessed with the discrete multivariate technique caled KAPPA accuracy. The results indicate: (1) training samples are important to classification results. (2) Image classification accuracy is always affected by areal fraction and aggregation degree as wel as by diversities and patch shape. (3) The core zone area is protected better than buffer zone and experimental zone wetland. The ex-perimental zone degrades fast because of irrational development by humans.
    • 尹芬; 丁美青
    • 摘要: This article is used ENVI software to process the SPOT-5 image of the region of Changsha.Firstly, using the panchromat-ic image with multi-band image.After getting more ideal Remote Sensing image, analyze the fusion image according to the needs of this design, and then draw the interested area on the image complied with the design requirements, crop the image.Finally, use the band math of ENVI (Band3/Band2) to extract the ratio vegetation index of this region and analyze it.The results of this design are showed that the ratio vegetation index has a very high sensitivity in the area with higher vegetation coverage.The sensitivity is signifi-cantly reduced when the vegetation coverage of one area less than 50%.For example, the ratio vegetation index is far higher than 1 in the area covered with green vegetation.In the area without vegetation such as bare surface, buildings, water, and so on;the index is ranged around 1.But the situation that the index is higher than 2 can only happen on the area with high coverage of healthy green veg-etation.%运用 ENVI 软件处理长沙地区的 SPOT-5影像,将全色影像和多波段影像进行融合,分析融合后的影像,再选择感兴趣区域进行影像裁剪;采用ENVI的波段运算( Band3/Band2)提取该地区比值植被指数并进行分析。结果表明:比值植被指数对植被覆盖率较高的区域有非常高的敏感度;在植被覆盖率小于50%的时候,其敏感度明显降低,在绿色植被覆盖区域的比值植被指数远大于1,在裸露地表、建筑物、水体等没有植被覆盖区域的比值植被指数则在1附近,而比值植被指数大于2的则出现在高覆盖健康绿色植被上。
    • 史俊波; 康孔跃; 张辉善; 杨伟; 张杰; 刘恒轩; 任清军
    • 摘要: In order to strengthen the application of remote sensing to digital mapping and improve the precision and the quality of geological mapping in West Kunlun of Xinjiang,the authors,by using remote sensing image processing (atmospheric correction,geometric correction,image mosaic,image fusion,image cropping,orthophoto correction etc.),and remote sensing image enhancement processing (ratio method,principal component analysis),and the geological information,extracted much geological information from rocks,strata and tectonics,so as to guide the regional geological survey in field work.The methods applied in digital mapping and the effect of remote sensing technology were summed up.It is held that the geological remote sensing technology plays a multiplier effect in regional geological survey.Through the use of high accuracy remote sensing image data,the authors improved not only the drawing of the boundary range of geological body but also the outlining of part of informal mapping units.%为了加强高精度遥感图像数据在新疆西昆仑等自然地理条件极其恶劣的高海拔、艰险地区数字填图中的应用,提高填图的精度及质量,以麻扎构造混杂岩带填图为例,运用遥感图像预处理(大气校正、几何纠正、影像镶嵌、影像融合、影像裁剪、正射纠正等)、遥感图像增强处理(比值法、主成分分析法等)和地质信息综合分析等方法提取岩石、地层、构造等地质信息,并指导区域地质调查野外工作的开展;总结了SPOT5高精度图像数据在数字填图中的应用方法和效果,认为遥感技术在区域地质调查中起着事半功倍的作用.利用高精度遥感图像数据不仅提高了地质体(特别是构造混杂岩块)边界范围的勾绘精度,对部分非正式填图单位的勾绘也取得一定的成效.
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