首页> 外文期刊>Sheep Farmer >Battling with Bracken for the Benefit of Flora, Fauna and Sheep

Battling with Bracken for the Benefit of Flora, Fauna and Sheep


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The ban of asulam in December 2011 was a bitter blow in the battle against bracken, and although the chemical's continued use has been facilitated through 120-day 'emergency authorisation' windows, it adds to the challenge of turning the tide of bracken invasion. Even when asulam use was not restricted, it was not as simple as just applying the product and knowing the bracken would die off, otherwise we wouldn't still have the problem with bracken that we do. The plant has a huge network of rhizomesunder the soil and chemical treatments have to be followed up with repeat treatments and on-going management. But the challenge of controlling bracken is not just about dealing with a difficult plant and limited chemical options, but a political backdrop that is giving bracken a huge boost.



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