首页> 外文期刊>American Museum Novitates >Kinkonychelys, a new side-necked turtle (Pelomedusoides: Bothremydidae) from the late cretaceous of Madagascar

Kinkonychelys, a new side-necked turtle (Pelomedusoides: Bothremydidae) from the late cretaceous of Madagascar


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The type specimen of Kinkonychelys rogersi, n. gen. et sp., is the first turtle skull to be described from the pre-Holocene fossil record of Madagascar. This specimen, a nearly complete cranium, along with several referred specimens (a series of maxillae and a partial lower jaw), was recovered from the Maastrichtian Maevarano Formation in the Mahajanga Basin of northwestern Madagascar. A braincase with the diagnostic characters of Kinkonychelys, but differing in the position of the jaw articulation, formation of the foramen nervi facialis, and a number of other characters, was found in the same rock unit and is provisionally identified as belonging to Kinkonychelys sp., a presumed distinct, but closely related species, too incomplete to be diagnosed at present. Kinkonychelys is a bothremydid because it has the diagnostic characters of an exoccipitalquadrate contact and a fully enclosed incisura columellae auris (Gaffney et al., 2006). Kinkonychelys belongs to the tribe Kurmademydini, previously known to include only Sankuchemys and Kurmademys from the Late Cretaceous of India, because it has a deep fossa pterygoidea, a foramen stapediotemporale facing dorsally, a jugal not retracted from the orbit, a deep fossa precolumellaris, and a large, wide antrum postoticum. Kinkonychelys rogersi and Kinkonychelys sp. both possess a unique form of the overlapping fossa pterygoidea. A cladistic analysis of Kinkonychelys reveals that it is nested within the tribe Kurmademydini of Gaffney et al. (2006) and is related to the other taxa in the tribe as follows: (Sankuchemys (Kinkonychelys+Kurmademys)). The discovery of a Malagasy bothremydid of Maastrichtian age that is nested within the Indian members of the Kurmademydini supports the hypothesis of a connection between Madagascar and the Indian subcontinent that persisted into the late stages of the Late Cretaceous.
机译:Kinkonychelys rogersi的类型标本,n。 gen。等人,是马达加斯加前全新世化石记录中描述的第一个乌龟头骨。该标本是近乎完整的头盖骨,以及数个相关标本(一系列上颌骨和下颌的下颌骨),是从马达加斯加西北部Mahajanga盆地的Maastrichtian Maevarano组中回收的。在同一个岩石单元中发现了一个具有金克尼奇利斯诊断特征,但下颌关节位置不同,神经孔面的形成以及许多其他特征的脑箱,并被暂时鉴定为属于金奇尼奇利斯sp。 ,推测为独特但密切相关的物种,目前尚不完整,无法诊断。 Kinkonychelys是双头虱,因为它的诊断特征是枕叶四方接触和完全封闭的小肠切齿(Gaffney等,2006)。 Kinkonychelys属于Kurmademydini部落,以前已知仅包括印度晚白垩世的Sankuchemys和Kurmademys部落,因为它有一个深的翼状窝,一个背对着背孔的孔,一个没有从轨道上撤回的法罐,一个深的窝和小窝,一个大而宽的胃窦。 Kinkonychelys rogersi和Kinkonychelys sp。两者都具有重叠的翼窝的独特形式。对Kinkonychelys进行的分类分析显示,它嵌套在Gaffney等人的Kurmademydini部落中。 (2006年),并且与部落中的其他分类单元相关:(Sankuchemys(Kinkonychelys + Kurmademys))。嵌套在Kurmademydini印第安成员内的马斯特里赫特时代的马达加斯加人种的发现,支持了马达加斯加与印度次大陆之间的联系一直持续到白垩纪晚期的假设。



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