首页> 中文期刊> 《温州大学学报(社会科学版)》 >欧洲近代史学与傅斯年的学术思想




欧洲近代史学作为一种舶来品,对于中国史学从传统走向现代,起到了至为重要的推动作用。在欧洲近代史学东传的过程中,傅斯年穿针引线,对欧洲近代史学的引介不遗余力,贡献尤著。尤其是,他对巴克尔史学的借鉴、兰克治史理念的宣扬,以及德国“种族-文化”观念的运用,不仅成为其取得重要史学成就的学术渊源,而且为转型期的中国史学创辟了一条新路径。同时,欧洲近代史学经由傅斯年输入国内,开阔了中国学者的国际视野,为中国史学走向世界,取得国际学术话语权奠定了基础。%As imported goods, European modern historiography plays an important role in Chinese historiography development from traditional translation to modern translation. In the process of the spread of European modern historiography from the west to the east, Fu Sinian, acting as go-between, spared no effort to introducing Eueopean modern historiography and made great contributions. With reference to Buckle’s historiography, advocation of Ranke’s historiography concept and utilization of German Race-Culture ideas, he got great achievements and opened up a new path for Chinese historiography in transition period. Meanwhile, as the result of his introducing, European modern historiography broadens Chinese scholars’ international vision. In a word, Fu Sinian has laid the foundation for internationalization of Chinese modern historiography and given it a louder voice in international academic communication.



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