首页> 中文期刊> 《海南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 >从词的感情色彩看汉英翻译中的误译




In language,some words not only have their inherent lexical and grammatical meanings, but also convey the language user’s certain emotion.The giant differences between Chinese and Western cultures result in the sharp contrast in the language users’feelings even when the language users are refer-ring to the same thing.In light of this,in C-E translation,we must take full consideration of the specific context of the original text and try our best to figure out the writer’s feelings and attitudes so as to make the translated text a faithful reproduction of the original text and meanwhile make it acceptable to target readers.Moreover,efforts should be made to consider some words’emotional meanings and to avoid word-by-word translations and mistranslations.%语言里有些词汇,除了其自身的理性意义和语法意义之外,还附带有某种感情。中西方文化的巨大差异,导致了英汉两种语言在即便是面对同一种事物的时候,对其所赋予的感情色彩往往也会有很大差别。因此,在汉英翻译过程中,我们一定要结合具体语境,仔细揣摩原作者要表达的思想感情和观点态度,使译文在忠实再现原文的同时,又能符合译文读者的情感感受,避免死译、误译。



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